Title: Not A Good Girl (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka
leigh_adams Characters: Seamus Finnigan/Parvati Patil
Rating: R
Word Count: 293
Summary: And certainly, good Indian girls-- or good girls period-- didn’t fuck their twin’s boyfriend.
Author's Notes: This was written for this week's offering at
hp_humpdrabbles using the prompts "Parvati Patil" and "the stroke of midnight."
Nothing good happens after midnight.
That was what her mum had always told Padma and her, bestowing motherly pearls of wisdom on the sisters. Good Indian girls completed their studies, made a match with a nice Indian man, produced lovely Indian babies, and kept the house until the day they died. They always said their prayers, did their homework, and listened to their parents.
But Parvati had never been a good Indian girl.
She might have been, once. Maybe. When she’d been little, before the allure of Hogwarts and obsessing over boys took precedence over saying the Gaytari mantra and making sure her room was clean. Before smoking fags in the North Tower and stealing pieces from Dean’s collection of pornographic magazines was more appealing than learning to cook aloo gobi.
And certainly, good Indian girls-- or good girls period-- didn’t fuck their twin’s boyfriend.
Yet here she was, skirt hiked up around her waist and one leg slung over Seamus’ shoulder, head thrown back as his tongue worked its wicked magic between her thighs. This was madness, letting him have his way with her-- in public, no less. But here, hidden from the full moon by the eaves of Hogsmeade, Parvati was Rati incarnate, the goddess of sexual desire consorting with her chosen lover.
Her fingers dug into his shoulders, nails pressing half-moons through his shirt as she moaned in abandon. Being with Seamus like this was wanton and primal, the only way it had ever been between them. She couldn’t imagine her perfect sister satisfying him-- Padma was quiet, Seamus was loud. He needed someone like himself to be sated.
And lucky for them both-- well, maybe not for Padma, Parvati had always been a screamer.