Leigh!fic | Silent Night... Or Something Like It (1/1) | The Cornfoot Family

Dec 12, 2010 21:27

Title: Silent Night... Or Something Like It (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Stephen, Cassandra, Madeline, Jonathan, Annaleigh, and Joshua Cornfoot
Rating: G
Words: 629
Summary: It's just Christmas Even in the Cornfoot household.
Author's notes: This was written as part of my 2010 Christmas Drabble Meme. mugglechump requested "A Cornfoot Christmas." These characters come from the RPG pinksheep_wench, and their offspring can be found at pink_lambs: Stephen, Jonathan, and Josh are mine, while Cassandra, Madeline, and Annaleigh belong to Kate. I'm not too sure how this turned out, but Kate, I hope you like! Merry Christmas!

"Annaleigh, be careful with that package. Don't throw it under the tree."

"Joshy, take that ornament and put it here. No, not there. Over here, right by mine."

"Madeline, stop bossing your brother around."

"Mummy, Jon ate another bikkie!"

"Jonathan, those are for Santa. Leave them alone."

"She did, too."


"Annaleigh, don't hit your brother."

"OW! Daddy, he bit me!"

"Jonathan, don't bite your sister."

"She started it."

"It doesn't matter who started it. Do either of you want me to take my wand to your backsides?"

"No, Mummy."

"No, Mummy."

"That's what I thought."

"Princess, come over here and help me with the fairy lights."

"But Daddy, I was helping with the lights!"

"Maddy, you're doing the ornaments, remember?"

"But- but- but..."

"And they look beautiful, sweetheart. I think there's another box of bulbs for you to hang up."

"Thank you, Daddy! Kiss?"

"Kiss. Mwah."

"Go away, Maddy. I'm helping Daddy."

"Possessive little monsters, aren't they?"

"Yes, I wonder where they get it from?"

"Quiet, mister, or Mrs. Claus won't be showing her affection for you later on tonight."

"Oh, really?"

"Mmmm, Stephen..."

"EWWW! Mummy, Daddy, stop being icky and gross!"


"Shut it, you."


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Pay attention to me."

"And me!"

"I'm paying attention to you both."


"Yes, Joshy?"

"Want bikkie."

"What do you say?"


"Good job, sweets."

"Daddy, when is Santa going to come?"

"When you're all asleep in your beds. But I don't know... do you think you lot have been good enough for Santa to visit tonight?"

"Annaleigh burned down the first tree. I don't think he's going to come see her."


"Madeline Scarlett, that was not very nice. What do you say to your sister?"


"What was that?"

"I'm sorry."

"Annaleigh Miranda, do not stick your tongue out at your sister."

"Yes, Mummy."


"Joshy, it's not nice to tattle. Jonathan, out of Santa's biscuits, young man."

"Bikkie, Mummy?"

Sigh. "Alright, you may have one bikkie. Snowflake or angel?"


"Snowflake, what?"

"Snowflake, please."

"Here you go, Jon."

"Thank you, Mummy."

"You're welcome, baby."


"Yes, Annaleigh?"


"I can't hear you when you mumble, sweetheart."

"I didn't mean to set the tree on fire."

"I know you didn't, sweetheart. It's okay, it was just some accidental magic."

"And Daddy had his wand to put out the fire before it hurt anyone. Santa knows that was an accident."


"Really. Would Mummy lie to you?"

"You said that broccoli was yummy, and it's not. Is that a lie?"


"Santa knows it was an accident, princess. Would Daddy lie to you?"


"Good. Does the tree look done to you? Joshy, what do you think?"

"Where's star?"

"That's right... Daddy hasn't put the star on top. Daddy, don't forget the star."

"Thank you, Mrs. Claus, for making sure Daddy doesn't forget anything. Now, before I finish the tree on, I want you lot to run upstairs and let the elves help you into your pajamas. You've got a big day tomorrow, and Santa won't come unless you get to bed soon."

"Okay, Daddy!"

Stampede of little feet.

"What time is it? Midnight? Two a.m.?"

"Half past seven."

"Merlin. I'm getting old."

"Never. You're still that handsome twenty-something I married."

"Those girls are going to be the death of me."

"They just love their daddy... almost as much as I love him."

"Oh, really? Just how much do you love me?"

"Enough to let you do this... under the mistletoe."

"Why, Mrs. Cornfoot, are you trying to seduce me? While our children are but a floor up and could rejoin us at any moment?"

"They'll get over it."

"Mmm, I like the way you think."

"Happy Christmas, Santa."

"Happy Christmas, Mrs. Claus."

pairing: stephen/cassandra, character: annaleigh cornfoot, character: cassandra montgomery, christmas drabble meme 2010, character: jonathan cornfoot, character: madeline cornfoot, leigh!fic, character: stephen cornfoot, character: joshua cornfoot

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