Title: Nerves (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka
leigh_adams Characters: Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood
Rating: G
Word Count: 421
Summary: Harry needs advice that only Luna can provide.
Author’s Notes: Written as part of my
April Drabble Meme.
lar_laughs requested Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood, using “I’m with you til the wheels come off” as the prompt. Lar, I hope you like this!
Harry Potter couldn’t remember ever being this nervous in his entire life. He’d face death numerous times, whether it was against Voldemort’s numerous incarnations, a basilisk, a dragon, death via drowning, a three-headed dog, or rogue bludgers, but none of those experiences compared to the sheer amount of nerves he felt at that very moment.
“And you’re sure she’ll like this?”
“Very,” Luna replied confidently as she reached up to smooth Harry’s unruly black hair down a bit. “Have you all the things we talked about?”
He nodded and held up the simple wicker basket to show her. “Bottle of wine, chocolate covered strawberries, tiger lilies, and one diamond ring. I think that’s it.”
Luna gave him a look, one blonde brow quirked at him. “Did you check the flowers for nargles like I showed you?”
It took everything Harry had, but he refrained from rolling his eyes. No. “Yes, Luna, I checked the lilies for nargles.” Merlin, how was it that, out of all his friends and various acquaintances, Luna Lovegood was the only person who could help him now? It was a sad state of affairs for the Boy Who Wished the Ground Would Open Up and Eat Him Alive.
“Good, because if you didn’t, they might burrow into Ginny’s brain and make her addled minded,” she said serenely, patting him once on the head. “Though supposedly, that’s supposed to happen when you show her the ring.”
“And you’re sure this is going to work? What if-“
“Harry Potter, it’s going to be alright,” she interrupted him. “Besides, I’m with you until the wheels fall off.”
“Until the wheels fall off?” he all but squeaked. “Brilliant, Luna. Now I feel loads more confident.”
She laughed, and the sound was like tinkling bells. It helped to ease the growing knot of nerves that bounced around his stomach like a quaffle. “Ginny has been in love with you since she was eleven years old. You’ve been dating since she was sixteen; trust me, she’ll say yes.”
“If you say so, Luna,” he said with a heavy sigh as he dragged his hand through his hair one more time. “So, how do I look?”
“Very much like Harry Potter. Well done, you.”
Harry couldn’t help but snort at her whimsical, Luna-esque answer. “Yes, well, that was the look I was going for.” With a small, crooked grin, he stepped back and took out his wand. “Wish us luck.”
“Good luck, Harry Potter,” Luna replied with a wave as he disappeared from sight.