Leigh!fic- Beauty on the Fire (1/1)- Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks

Apr 16, 2010 19:56

Title: Beauty on the Fire (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams 
Characters: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: R
Word Count: 500
Disclaimer: Not mine.  They belong to the wonderful JK Rowling.  *grovels at her feet*
Summary: Her wicked smile held a promise for dark pleasure, something that defied nature by harnessing the power of the wolf within him.
Author’s Notes: Written for this week's offering at hp_humpdrabbles , where the prompt was "candles, wicks, wax or light."  The song used in this drabble is Beauty on the Fire by Natalie Imbruglia.

Light danced around the room, illuminating the black silk sheets and gleaming over sweat-slickened bodies. Already, she had torn carnal pleasure from his body over and over again, but still he did not tire. Blue eyes shone amongst the flickering candles as Remus strained against his restraints, his muscles taut beneath his skin. The air in the room was heady, heavy with the smell of arousal, sex, and her.

Here it comes again
Cannot out run my desire
Cover my decent
And throw the beauty on the fire

Tonks. Dora. His pagan goddess, her customary bubble-gum pink hair forsaken for the natural black waves that now cascaded over her white skin. There was a wicked gleam to her dark eyes, reminding him that despite her Hufflepuff nature and bright outward appearance, she was still a Black by blood.

And Black women were...complicated.

Drawn towards the edge
Do I assume I could fly
Every secret shared
Why do I drink the feelings dry?

Don't go too far
Limitation scars

This close to the full moon, every sensory function was amplified; he could hear the soft rustle of the wind outside their bedroom. Inhaling sharply, he could smell the underlying smell of Dora's skin, nearly masked by the overwhelming smell of sex. His bright eyes traced over her body, doing what his hands longed to do as they moved over her full breasts to her taut stomach, lingering at the apex of her thighs.

Drawing his eyes back up to her face, his heart practically stopped when their gazes locked. Her wicked smile held a promise for dark pleasure, something that defied nature by harnessing the power of the wolf within him.

Pretty pink lips twitched upwards, and she wordlessly summoned one of the flickering candles from beside the bed. "Do you want to play a game, darling?"

Could I be lost forever?
To drown my soul in sensory pleasure
Sensory pleasure

Remus growled and pulled at the ties which bound him to the bed. "Dora..."

With naught but a naughty grin, she took the candle and tipped it over his abdomen, watching in fascination as the molten wax ran over the side and dripped onto his skin.

He hissed, back arching off the bed as the dual sensations of pleasure and pain lanced through his skin. It burned, but the pain of the burn melded into slow, lazy pleasure that sent the blood coursing through his body, straight to his tumescent member.

Her tongue followed in the wax's wake, laving the red skin as she rolled the cooling wax into a ball. Her path continued downwards, reducing Remus to a whimpering pup as his hips bucked towards her smooth body, begging for contact.

Here it comes again
You raise the bar even higher
I cannot catch my breath
So throw the beauty on the fire

"What do you say, Remus?" she teased, holding the candle aloft above his straining manhood. A stray drop of wax fell, causing him to drop his head back and moan, "Please..."

"Good boy," Dora whispered, extinguishing the candle before she ducked her head to take him into her mouth.

character: nymphadora tonks, character: remus lupin, leigh!fic, pairing: remus/tonks

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