Hey, kids! I just wanted to pass on a little info along with a little yuletide greetings. If you can stomach a little Disney, feel free to take a peek at the
card we made for mouseguest.com. It's gingerbread goodness.
Information time! Those of you in and around the Columbus, OH area may be interested to know that I'll have an artist table at
Ohayocon this year. Stop on by, say hi, buy some stuff... the usual. I'm supposedly also doing a panel for kids and teens who want to start a Webcomic. And my bro should be helping out at the table, too. Should be a fun time for all!
I may even have a few copies of Realms of Ishikaze Patch 3.0 for sale! Yes,
the book is done and ready for purchase. You, the few readers left actually reading my occasional rantings here, are the first to be privy to the news. Aren't you glad I like you a lot?
That's it for now. Have a lovely holiday, and I'll see you in the new year!