And even though the moment passed me by.

Jun 10, 2005 19:54

How much does Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind rock? I just finished watching it, and it was amazing. Phenomenal. I loved it. It's so original and it was just amazing. You should see it if you haven't already! I think I'm going to go watch it again right after this!

It's been thundering the past two days. Now I'm not really afraid of thunder or anything, but last night I was getting ready to go to bed, and I looked out the window. It was so dark, they whole sky was this ominous grey. It was scary. And it's thundering and lightning again today.

On Sunday I get to go to the only perk of marching band! We go to this amusement park and we march for like 15-20 minutes, and it's really easy. And then in return the owner guy gives the whole band free passes for the day, plus food and drinks! It's pretty darn cool. So on Sunday, I'll be out thrill seeking, ahaha not really. It's not a really big amusement park with like millions of rollercoasters with intimidating names like "THE LAST RIDE", "NIGHTMARE", or "SCREAMIN' DEMON." Canobie Lake (where I'm going) boasts "The Yankee Cannonball." ahaha. But still, it's free and it's still loads of fun!

So hey fill this out, or else!! You really should do it, because that'd be pretty much the most exciting thing ever!

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