Jul 08, 2005 13:48
I had never explored Livejournal so deeply- it's so inspiring and interesting. Searching through interests brings up the most wonderful communities, which I am always looking forward to joining. Pity I don't post that much, since I'm too afraid of making mistakes, seeing English ain't my mother tongue.
Anyhow, that was... random. I was thinking of some ideas for friendship day, which is coming up soon. Maybe something crafty (dunno if it's the right word), handmade will do. Actually, I was thinking about some kind of friendship book, or scrapbook or whatever, though I have never made one, nor I know if I'll be good enough with my hands for it.
I haven't made up my mind on what to put on it, however. Any ideas, anyone? Maybe I should look for some "inspiring" samples. ^^'