Recs posted in November, Part 2

Nov 28, 2011 00:34

[x] yourlibrarian | Really, no tinsel?: Vid Rec! Shake It Out by nel_ani does a nice job of showing both emotional connections and tensions among the various characters in Merlin, with a focus on Arthur.
tags: merlin

[x] escritoireazul | Fandom: Yuletide and December Drabbles: Some of my fannish joy returned by this delightful Kaylee and Inara Firefly vid by purplefringe. It is delightful.
tags: firefly

[x] calvinahobbes: Dear Yuletide Author: There's so much to explore wrt gender expression/representation/sexuality/attraction within the scope of these characters and their relationships. obsessive24 has made two Jake/Hamilton vids, Girls and Boys and Somebody Told Me. Both are available on giandujakiss also has a vid, What a Good Boy.
tags: youngamericans

[x] archersangel | pointing to vids: improper dancing (multi fandom) holding out for a hero (hercules: the legendary journeys) both by marycrawford mambo italiano; remastered (alias) by charmax
tags: multi hercules alias

[x] maat_seshat: Yuletide Letter: I bounced off of Romance of Three Kingdoms in high school, then years later ran across obsessive24's Red Cliff vid and associated comments, decided to watch the movies, and loved them.  [...] it's the combination of amazing characters and a fascinating world with so much more happening than can be shown in four/five hours that made me fall in love with Red Cliff. There is so much room, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you bring to it. Useful Links: Picspam by crossedwires (and Part 2), and a gorgeous vid by feochadn focusing on my four favorite [character]s.
tags: movie

[x] marcicat | v.handy Avengers timeline vid: I have practically no recollection of what actually happened in these movies. Did Darcy ever even meet Clint? Is there a helicarrier yet? And so, here is a handy timeline vid! I first saw it on tumblr, where it was submitted by weaponxvii. The youtube page for Avengers Timeline says that it was uploaded by TheMightyBeowulf, so thank you to both of those people for bringing this to an interwebs near me. (As many have already noted, the “so and so turns into so and so” captions to indicate actor changes are particularly funny.)
tags: remix

[x] otw_news: Spotlight on Translation Volunteers: Even for established fannish concepts, there's frequently no existing translation. While German and Spanish often solve this by borrowing English terms like “vidding” wholesale, Finnish grammar does not allow for this degree of integration. Because of the way Finnish words are inflected, our translators created the fresh composite “fanivideo” for “vidding”. (Here's an example: Fanivideoprojektit [Finnish].) These are just a few examples of the kind of linguistic creativity our translators need. If this sort of language nerdery appeals you, drop us a note!

[x] Vid Show Deadline Extended: January 16, 2012 [Escapade Con]: We have extended the Escapade Vid Show submission deadline to January 16, 2012 (from the 15th) to give everyone the full weekend to get their vids done & submitted. Also, just for fun, we’ve removed all reference to videoTAPE.

[x] schmevil: Teen Wolf S2: Aaaaand another Stiles vid:
tags: teenwolf

[x] toft | one vid, and a request for another!: - OMG guys, you all need to watch such_heights' new Community vid, 'Don't Stop Just Dance', which is bop-in-your-chair GREAT.
tags: community

[x] were_duck | Vid rec: Don't Stop, Just Dance by such_heights: Okay drop what you are doing and go watch such_heights's new Community vid. IT WILL MAKE YOU DANCE. Seriously I have watched it on loop like six times this morning and I love it SO MUCH. Especially the Troy/Abed! And the group dorkiness and also the parts where they're all kind of tired and sad but then they all come together in a quirky weird FAMILY. Don't Stop, Just Dance by such_heights, Community vid, ensemble. <333333333333 AAAAAAAAAAH I have all of these FEELINGS for the people on this show! Especially Troy/Abed, Annie, and Dean Pelton ;___________;
tags: community

[x] (La) - careless people : scrapbook 2011: fanvids. • Never Let Me Go - Between the Bars [Tommy/Kathy/Ruth] • Supernatural - Cheap and Evil Girl [Bela Talbot tribute] - and all my bones began to shake [Bela-centric]
tags: movie spn

[x] marina | Elvis, will I ever be a king: my favorite thing from it this year is the Deep Space Nine fanvid Born Too Late made for the historical roleplay square. It's so delightful and cheery and, to my great surprise, as someone who's never seen the appeal of roleplay in general and historical roleplay in particular, explains perfectly why this kink is a kink. So awesome.
tags: ds9 trek

[x] fairlyironic | Thor recs: Set Fire to the Rain by Talitha78, Thor/Loki
tags: thor

[x] cuda | Yuletide Nominations Coming Up Fast!: Supernatural/Whoniverse crossover ... This whole SuperWho concept caught me off guard - here I thought I was almost alone in this crack crossover I'd fallen into completely by accident and minecraft. And apparently, I'm not, and I can't wait to see the Impala/TARDIS fic I saw someone sign up for. There's also some really interesting fanvids people have made - just search superwho at youtube and see what I'm talking about.
tags: spn drwho

[x] madgirl | fanvid share: I thought I would share one of my favorites that I've stumbled across recently. It was made by affablyevil, for the television show Supernatural, and was originally posted here. Music is Florence + the Machine's Cosmic Love, which is one of my favorite songs. This vid says something about the source material that I couldn't get across just by telling you. And it has some really amazing musicality, too.
tags: spn

[x] jest | Rizzoli & Isles: Has anybody watched this? Is it the slashy women detective show that I've been waiting for? This fanvid sure makes it look that way...
tags: rizzoli_isles

[x] likeadeuce: TIRED + music meme answers: Say, where've I seen this guy?/ in Red River or A Place in the Sun?, The Right Profile, The Clash Because the Internet likes us to have nice things, somebody has appropriately used this song to make a Montgomery Clift fanvid (since that is, in fact, the guy referenced in the song.)
tags: rpf

[x] ein_myria | We need more of this pairing.: I don't tend to recs fan vids very often (this blog is, after all, a reading-oriented platform) but this one is pretty awesome! Kudos to monanotlisa for alerting me to this. Fringe Hands Away by chaila and beccatoria (Olivia/Sarah, TSCC/Fringe x-over) I can't reach you.
tags: fringe tscc

[x] fairlyironic | X Men recs: Touch Me Fall by astolat (gen) alternate link.  Be My Hero (gen) or here .
tags: xmen

[x] bedlamsbard | BSG: The Plan, and a vid rec: Frankly I feel that this amazing Boomer vid is probably better than The Plan. (the artist's impression is just like me, only better)
tags: bsg

[x] jdjunkie | Burn Notice vid rec: I really enjoyed this Victor vid. Oh, how I wish Victor was still with us. *sigh* All That Remains Note to princessofgeeks: No fast cuts. Good storytelling. Easy on the eyes (and I'm not just talking about Michael Shanks!). Go on, click the link! PS Why don't I have a suitable Burn Notice icon???
tags: burnnotice

[x] bedlamsbard | caprica: Caprica vid rec! (Which looks like it came out early in the season, since it doesn't have a lot of the bits from the back half.) Brand New You're Retro by hollywoodgrrl.
tags: caprica

[x] such_heights: firefly vid rec!: Suddenly I See by purplefringe (Firefly, Kaylee & Inara) OMG OMG. This is the MOST adorable, I cannot even. The first time I watched this I squeed so hard I probably sprained something. ADORABLE SPACE GIRLFRIENDS YAY. And parallels and smiles and lovely editing and omg omg. purplefringe is the best and makes wonderful things for me. <3 And if you haven't seen her Zoe/Wash vid Devil's Spoke you should rectify that, because it is amaaazing. My little vidder, all grown up and doing amazing things all on her own! *sniff*
tags: firefly

[x] mresundance: Vid Rec: Shake it Out: So my favorite vid is Jesus Christ by astartexx. It fulfills my two requirements for an excellent vid: first, that the vid display mastery of content by expanding on or exploring canon ideas in new and unexpected ways. Second, the vid displays technical mastery which advances the content and is visually stunning. This vid has remained without equals, but I think that obsessive24's Loki vid Shake It Out has become an extremely close second. Of course it displays obsessive24 technical abilities, particularly her flawless use of movement. She deftly exploits the use of light and color in the source material to develop some absolutely beautiful metaphor. In terms of content, the vid explains the character better than the film did. Here Loki experiences a complexity and nuance which was absent from the film. The vid lends him a great emotional depth and comments astutely on the issues surrounding his identity and his familial relationships. In short: completely awesome. I have watched this vid numerous times and there are still sections where the vid renders me completely incapable of coherent thought. When a vid does that to me, it's a damn good vid. Relatedly, this vid has made me fall a little in love with Loki. I think I need some Loki and Loki/Thor fic recs.
tags: thor spn

[x] bedlamsbard | random miscellanea, bsg vid recs: Jolene by nicole_anell, Cally/Chief/Cylons, all seasons. Oh, Cally, honey. Cally on Chief/Boomer, then the slow creep into Chief as a Cylon as a romantic/sexual betrayal. (There's only one clip in here that really doesn't work for me, which is Athena in the CIC because I feel like it should be a Boomer scene, not an Athena one.) Girl Next Door by sabaceanbabe, Cally/Chief, Boomer/Chief, through season three. Boomer as the hot cheerleader and Cally as the girl next door. This one's not as polished as Jolene, but it's fun and does some interesting things. (The vidder kind of hates on Cally in the comments, though, which is sort of a downer.) Download only, no streaming. Glittering Cloud by Txlsplash (no LJ or DW link), Boomer, through the series finale. Oh, Boomer, honey. The slightly dreamy quality of the music here is perfect for Boomer, for the disaster her life turns into. And there are some really great lyric/scene matches, too -- the artist's impression looks just like me, only better setting up the contrast/comparision with Athena, here it comes now, wish me luck when she's dying in Chief's arms. Love this vid. Streaming only, no download. Wicked Game by obsessive24, Dee, through season four. Dee, always pinning her hopes and dreams on things. The repetitions of red are lovely -- better than showing the actual suicide. Brand New You're Retro by hollywoodgrrl, Caprica (show). Shiiiiiiny. Mostly Caprica footage, but it has some bits from BSG in too -- the shape of things to come. It also does something interesting in that it uses scenes from the opening credits; I'm still on the fence about how well those work here. Slow Down Gandhi by obsessive24, Gaeta, Zarek, everyone below the top ranks, through season four including Razor and Face of the Enemy. This is fascinating -- it's basically the view from the lower ranks (or what we see of them, anyway), and it really manages to justify what people were thinking during the mutiny two-parter. there's a war going on for your mind, laura by beccatoria, Roslin, Cylons all, through season four, including Razor. I am not entirely sure how I feel about this one, but it's...interesting. In a positive way, not a negative one. so say we all I (Handlebars) by kiki_miserychic, all, through season four mid-season finale. Another interesting one. Sons and Daughters by heyiya, Cylons, through season four mid-season finale. ANOTHER INTERESTING ONE. I feel like there was a big chunk of vids made after Revelations and those are the ones I keep running into.
tags: bsg

[x] caffienekitty: Sherlock recs: The Boys Are Back by YouTuber Elderberryinkblot Song: The Boys are Back in Town by Thin Lizzy Summary: However different they are each time they return some things never change. (I might have already recced this, but why not do it again. Great multi-verse Holmes vid.)
tags: sherlock sherlockholmes

[x] mresundance: Vid Rec: The Coming Out of Quinn Fabray (Epic Vid is EPIC): jarrow did a beautiful, massive, epic, awesome, gorgeous 18 minute Glee vid wherein he basically reconstructs the show's canon around the idea of creating a totally involving and convincing love story. I mean, it's hardcore, old-skool style slash, but 18 epic minutes of it and forms a complete, whole, coherent narrative on its own. No context or previous viewing of the series required! The Coming Out of Quinn Fabray by jarrow Ergo, this vid is brilliant. That was an amazing 18 minutes of my life and I have no regrets.
tags: glee

[x] lettered | Vid rec!: Sometimes I try to explain why I feel like the new Doctor Who hurts my soul, and I can never seem to adequately do so. [...] I've thought about making a post about it, but frankly I find it really upsetting, partly because I like the show, or maybe I mean enjoy some aspects of it. It's as though it's the Harry Potter series, and it does what the Harry Potter series does: sets up this great premise, these great issues, and then doesn't follow through, yet keeps making you hope over and over that somehow, this is going to be about redemption, and not murdering our enemies, and how there is no black and white, and how good people can be corrupt, and corrupt people can be good, and maybe just maybe it might turn into Avatar the Last Airbender, but then it never does. Okay, so imagine that, except it keeps going. It's like if HP had had a book 8, 9, oh god 10 and it just keeps getting worse. Okay, but anyway, I'm not going to make that post, because I found this vid. This vid was made in 2008, and it looks like most the internets have seen it anyway. But I never saw it, and it . . . almost makes it so I can watch Doctor Who again. I feel like few vids have ever affected me the way this one has. It must be because I have such an affection for, and yet such an intense problem with this show, that something that at last does all the things I wish the show did has a large impact on me. I only wish the people making this show could understand the things the people who made this vid and the awesome band that made this song seem to understand so well, and so chillingly. Vid: No Handlebars Vidders: flummery Song: Flobots
tags: drwho

[x] blueswan | A nap would be good.: This SG-1 vid set to Walking on Sunshine. Every fandom should have a vid to this song.
tags: sg1

[x] justira: Signal boosts, a little linkspam, and all my art vanishing soon =|: A vid rec in the form of a chat transcript: justira: oh my god I just watched a clark/lex vid where justira: clark justira: gave birth to a kitten justira: what did I just watch owlmoose: dot. dot. dot. justira: it's a crack vid and justira: I justira: I can't justira: what owlmoose: i think. maybe not at work. owlmoose: sould i look for it later? justira: also there were kryptonite unicorns? justira: uhhhh justira: I justira: I don't know how or why the unicorns come in owlmoose: well, do you need a reason for unicorns, really justira: I justira: it's justira: it's actually pretty worksafe? justira: possibly not brainsafe justira: what did I just watch owlmoose: at least it sounds like it was not dull ;) justira: no it wasn't justira: I don't know what to do with my life anymore justira: CATBABY I know I'm like the last person to catch wind of these things but: dualbunny: I Swear (Smallville - Clark/Lex)
tags: smallville

[x] amalthia | X-Men, Thor, Avengers, White Collar, Star Trek, and Merlin Recs: Merlin Vid Rec nel_ani: Shake It Out I loved the song, the editing, and parts of the vid were heartbreaking. (vid:recs:m
tags: merlin

[x] topaz119 | it's been a long time: Golden Retrievals, by kass, Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny, PG, vid === A spoken word vid to Mark Doty's poem. Please believe me when I say this is awesome, and that I say it as an engineer who doesn't *do* poems.  Lose My Breath, White Nights, by deirdre_c, Kolya/Ray, vid === There is NO subtext in this movie; it's all text. Of course, I might not be the most unbiased of observers, because I've seen Misha dance in person six times, everything from Giselle to Baryshnikov by Tharp, and every time, it was this almost-transcendent experience. I almost didn't want to go see him in the 80s with D, because I knew the ballet was not D's most favorite of things and I didn't know how I'd react if he was unimpressed, but I needn't have worried. Back in the day, it was fashionable to say that he lacked the purity of Martins and the power of Bujones, but even when I was young and stupid, I knew that was nothing but sour grapes, if only because nobody ever made you cry like Misha. So, y'know, I love this vid. :D
tags: hawaii50 movie

[x] icepixie | Mixed bag: Awww, look, someone made a Julian/Jadzia vid! Okay, the song actively makes me want to set fire to something, but but but Baby's First OTP! And no one ever makes vids for them, and literally there hasn't been a new fic written for them since 2003!
tags: ds9 trek

[x] Sleep-speaker - Five Things Meme!: Project CAPSLOCK - a.k.a. Hands Away, the Sarah/Olivia vid ... here are half a dozenish pieces of trivia about some of the parts I made! :D
tags: meta meme

[x] rightxhere - fanvid rec....: I've never seen Thor, but I know a few of you liked Loki, so I thought I'd watch this crossover video with him and Daenerys from Game of Thrones. Just to see what it was like. And wow... just wow. Think I should watch Thor now lol
tags: thor gameofthrones

[x] metallidean_grl - The Dean - Something to be Grateful For: Ran across this vid the other day. It's a fun one and thought I would share it with ya'll. This vid is the vidder's view as to why she loves Dean Winchester. And being Dean girls, I think we can all second that emotion. This vid so nicely displays all the antics, quirks and lovelies as to why we so love our Dean. The song being played is The Fallen by Franz Ferdinand, and the vidder is Reely.  Enjoy!!!
tags: spn

[x] dlasta: I dare you not to smile.: Funny and fitting H50 vid.
tags: hawaii50

[x] spnvidrecs: Feel good J2 vid rec..: Saw this on my flist so just had to share. Totally gorgeous J2 vid. Feedback to MsLyraGW on YT
tags: spn

[x] meelie: Sinpoz 2011 vidshows AKA Time Travel! AKA I am super lazy!: Yes, yes, I know what month it is, shhh! Here are the vid playslists for my Sinpoz vidshows from earlier in the year: Sat vid show: 1 - Test by Here's Luck (trek 2009) 2 - Bad Romance by sisabet (Superman Returns, DCU, Smallville) 3 - Let's Misbehave by greensilver (white collar) 4 - 3 by talitha78 (fastlane) 5 - All The Way by greensilver (invisible man) 6 - Sawatte Kawatte (Touch! Change!) by Laura Shapiro (heroes) 7 - Tik Tok by MissSheenie (original trek) 8 - What About Love? by greensilver(youngblood) 9 - Spacegirl by charmax (multi fandom, awesome sci fi ladies) Sun vid show: 1 - Take On Me by greensilver (doctor who) 2 - I'm Your Man by charmax (multi female characters) 3 - Rebellion(Lies, Lies) by mithborien (supernatural) 4 - Superstar by here's luck (buffy) 5 - A Fire is Burning by Alex, Gwyn and Sandy (The Professionals) 6 - Too Much Light In This Bar by absolutedestiny (Life On Mars) 7 - Poison Prince by theanonsisters (Sherlock BBC) 8 - Handlebars by flummery (doctor who) 9 - Dante's Prayer by Killa (original trek movies) xposted to sinpozium community

[x] meelie: Get Together 2011 vid show playlists: Hey all! Hope my vid shows went well! Below find the listing of vids shown and links. If you liked the vids or download please remember to comment to the vidders! sat vid show: 1 - One Girl Revolution by arefadedaway (multi-fandom awesome ladies) 2 - Poker Face by talitha78 (remaster by kuwdora) (trek 2009) 3 - Feel It In My Bones by greensilver (vampire diaries) 4 - Let's Misbehave by greensilver (white collar) 5 - All The Way by greensilver (invisible man) 6 - Brothers In Arms by Andraste(babylon 5) (otherwise known as, the one that I hissed at the screen during) 7 - Gay or European? AKA There! Right there! by TIzumis (x-men: first class) sun vid show: 1 - Acceptable in the 80s by boom_queen(multi-fandom 80's movies) 2 - A Fire is Burning by Alex, Gwyn and Sandy (The Professionals) 3 - What About Love? by greensilver(youngblood) 4 - Dry by lim(sherlock BBC) 5 - Don't Stop Me Now by charmax(doctor who) 6 - Drop Dead Gorgeous by shalott(smallville) (direct link to this vid removed due to issue with site, sorry!) 7 - Mickey by bunniqula(hana kimi) honorable mentions! arysteia showed 2 awesome vids: 1 - Set Fire To The Rain by talitha78 (remaster by isagel) (thor) 2 - Rolling In the Deep by arefadedaway (x-men: first class) (ITS'S SO SAD was alasen's comment, so sad, but SO GOOD! POOR ERIK)

[x] meelie: Vidshow eXTREME! otherwise known as my get__together vidshow from mumblemumble 2009...: sun vid show: 1 - A Little Less Conversation by mamoru22(Boston Legal) 2 - Drop Dead Gorgeous by shalott(smallville) (direct link to this vid removed due to issue with site, sorry!) 3 - Dante's Prayer by Killa (original trek movies) 4 - Detachable Penis by the Media Cannibals (Sandy, Alex, Gwyn, Tina, & Rache) (The Professionals) 5 - In Your Eyes by JKL vidders(Lynn) (Stargate:SG1) 6 - Sorry by Elena (X-Files) 7 - Kryptonite by Seah and Margie(Invisible Man) 8 - Objection Tango by talitha78 (smallville) 9 - Ba Boom Ba by Charmax (Xena: Warrior Princess) 10 - A Charming Man by Gianduja Kiss(Supernatural) I think this was the last vid, due to late running program, but my playlist also had: 11 - Too Much Light In This Bar by absolutedestiny (Life On Mars) 12 - Land by sweetestdrain (Terminator movies, Sarah Connor chronicles)

[x] amalthia | X-Men, Thor, Avengers, White Collar, Star Trek, and Merlin Recs: Merlin Vid Rec nel_ani: Shake It Out I loved the song, the editing, and parts of the vid were heartbreaking.
tags: merlin

[x] obsessive24: Slash vid recs needed: Hi guys, I need some vid recs for an as-yet sekkrit purpose. :) Can you please suggest some slash vids for the following fandoms? - Star Trek XI (fast-paced and fun)(already noted: Poker Face by Talitha, I'm on a Boat by kiki_miserychic even if it isn't particularly slash) - White Collar (also fast-paced and fun)(already noted: Tonight I'm F**king You by Talitha, What NY Used to Be by Giandujakiss) - Doctor Who (preferably Ten/Master)(already noted: Eunice's Never Loved A Man) This might be relevant to your interests then: Kiss/Fist (Kirk/Spock) I'm not sure whether this is fast-paced and fun so much as clever and moving, but here's a Trek reboot vid I reeeeally like: bluefairy1113's Must Be Dreaming: I'll tell you what's a fast-paced and fun Star Trek XI slash vid, is heresluck's vid The Test, which I will tell you about since she is apparently too modest to do so. Also, if you are willing to accept a generous serving of Peter/Neal/Elizabeth OT3 with your White Collar slash, as I know I am when it's this much fun, I recommend Let's Misbehave by greensilver. There's two great Doctor/Master ones on YouTube that I haven't seen recced anywhere: [embed]
tags: trek whitecollar drwho

[x] get__together: Get Together 2011 vid show playlists: sat vid show: 1 - One Girl Revolution by arefadedaway (multi-fandom awesome ladies) 2 - Poker Face by talitha78 (remaster by kuwdora) (trek 2009) 3 - Feel It In My Bones by greensilver (vampire diaries) 4 - Let's Misbehave by greensilver (white collar) 5 - All The Way by greensilver (invisible man) 6 - Brothers In Arms by Andraste (babylon 5)  7 - Gay or European? AKA There! Right there! by TIzumis (x-men: first class) sun vid show: 1 - Acceptable in the 80s by boom_queen (multi-fandom 80's movies) 2 - A Fire is Burning by Alex, Gwyn and Sandy (The Professionals) 3 - What About Love? by greensilver (youngblood) 4 - Dry by lim (sherlock BBC) 5 - Don't Stop Me Now by charmax (doctor who) 6 - Drop Dead Gorgeous by shalott (smallville) 7 - Mickey by bunniqula (hana kimi) honorable mentions! arysteia showed 2 awesome vids: 1 - Set Fire To The Rain by talitha78 (remaster by isagel) (thor) 2 - Rolling In the Deep by arefadedaway (x-men: first class) (ITS'S SO SAD was alasen's comment, so sad, but SO GOOD! POOR ERIK)

[x] get__together: Vidshow eXTREME! otherwise known as my get__together vidshow from mumblemumble 2009...: Yes, yes, I know what year it is, shhh! Here are the vids from my get together vidshow from 2009: sun vid show: 1 - A Little Less Conversation by mamoru22(Boston Legal) 2 - Drop Dead Gorgeous by shalott(smallville) (direct link to this vid removed due to issue with site, sorry!) 3 - Dante's Prayer by Killa (original trek movies) 4 - Detachable Penis by the Media Cannibals (Sandy, Alex, Gwyn, Tina, & Rache) (The Professionals) 5 - In Your Eyes by JKL vidders(Lynn) (Stargate:SG1) 6 - Sorry by Elena (X-Files) 7 - Kryptonite by Seah and Margie(Invisible Man) 8 - Objection Tango by talitha78 (smallville) 9 - Ba Boom Ba by Charmax (Xena: Warrior Princess) 10 - A Charming Man by Gianduja Kiss(Supernatural) I think this was the last vid, due to late running program, but my playlist also had: 11 - Too Much Light In This Bar by absolutedestiny (Life On Mars) 12 - Land by sweetestdrain (Terminator movies, Sarah Connor chronicles)

[x] The Pale Blue Dot Remixed: Remix artist Torrey Meeks uses a split-screen technique to combine footage from the Tunisian and Egyptian pro-democracy revolutions with time laps video set to Carl Sagan’s voice reading a famous passage from his 1994 book Earth - The Pale Blue Dot.  The resulting powerful mashup adds a moving new layer of context to Sagan’s words which were originally inspired by a photograph of planet Earth taken in 1990 by the Voyager 1 spacecraft as it left our solar system. Here is another remixed take on Sagan’s words by David Fu who inserts a wide variety of iconic Hollywood movie scenes to illustrate the second half of the narration (the movie clips begin at around the 2:00 mark).
tags: remix

[x] The True Story of Matilda Sweetfuck - yes, I only post about vids ever: greensilver just further validated my summer spent reading Captain America comics (although whose fault was that??) by posting this amazing Steve Rogers vid that made me cry and cry. STEVE I DON'T WANT TO GET OVER YOU. She also vidded Snow/Charming from Once Upon a Time for my birthday, and it was awesome. I love them. Was there not a new episode this week? I am bereft. Also for my birthday? (This was an excellent birthday for making people finish vids for me!) kuwdora posted Walk This Way, which... I kind of love watching it back to back with greensilver's Sorrow for emotional whiplash (and then I go read more Avengers fanfic). But probably this is the best Tony Stark/Iron Man (slash intended!) vid I've ever seen, and it is endless fun. I also did a thing. A while ago. And if anyone has any interest in reading an epic image-heavy commentary about my 10-minute Terminator vid, Land, well -- you can find that here.
tags: movie onceuponatime ironman

[x] paian | Vid recs: Buefo's 'Xerox (Fade Out)' and 'Sunshine' (SG-1, Jack/Daniel elements in both): If someone had filmed a TV-movie spinoff of 'Fragile Balance' that stayed with the clone after he walked away from Jack's truck, and most of the footage had been lost or destroyed, but there was enough left to edit together a condensed version complete at just under two minutes, and buefo had done that editing so that it grew organically from a comparative character study of the clone and the original, Xerox (Fade Out) would be it. It tells the story of the Jack that canon abandoned, and completes the story of the Jack we first met in the 1994 movie. It is horrific and tragic (the post includes warnings), a dark take on the character's fate that I found painfully plausible, and a constructed reality that's inventive and compelling. Radiohead, 'Street Spirit (Fade Out)'. Way to the other end of the tonal spectrum, as cheery and bright as the other is tormented and dark, is Sunshine, an infectiously happy, deliriously adorable three minutes of team and Daniel/Jack (and a smidge of Sam/Pete yay) made as a birthday gift for jdjunkie, who wishlisted a team vid to Katrina and the Waves' 'Walking on Sunshine.' I could watch this a hundred times (I'm up to four now) and still be laughing in delight. The squee is mighty.
tags: sg1

[x] [some kind of title] - vid recs:: Captain America: Sorrow by greensilver Cover me in rag and bones, sympathy. Steve, Steve/Bucky, Steve/Peggy. Nikita: Twin Flames by obsessive24 As we move you can't tell us apart. Nikita/Owen Firefly/Serenity: Come On by charmax You gotta move. ensemble
tags: movie nikita firefly

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

    [x] were_duck | Vid Rec: Keepsake by chaila: i have a lot of Feelings about Never Let Me Go. It was the fandom I wrote for my main assignment the one time I did Yuletide and I was so thrilled/scared to match on that book because I just love it SO DEEPLY in this way I can never describe. I never watched the film all the way through because it gave me too many feelings at the time and it wasn't quite how I imagined it. I really really fucking love this vid of the movie by chaila. It hurts in all the ways the book does, and it's beautiful in those ways, too. Also it's set to a Frames song, which ALSO give me a million Feelings. It's a beautiful, tensely moving song and she is, as ever, such a master at capturing emotion through movement. Her visual style works so well for me both in terms of aesthetic and in terms of visual metaphors, she is SO GOOD with stillness and small motions (the flutter of the map), creating a sense of claustrophobia that isn't overburdened by the clip choices (it took me a moment to register all those scenes of Kathy walking and being hemmed in by walls, hedges, doors because those clips are broken up with references to more abstract things like the conformity of routine, the agency name on the van door, etc). It's brutal in all the right ways because it highlights so many moments of happiness--it's just the perfect balance of so many things! God it is such a BEAUTIFUL vid, go and watch it RIGHT NOW if you have read the book or seen the movie or have been spoiled for them. Vid: Keepsake by chaila Never Let Me Go (2010), song Keepsake by the Frames. (NB: this vid is spoilery for the themes of the story!)
    tags: movie

    [x] lunabee34 | So many vid recs. *Cracks knuckles*: I Wish I Was James Bond by kuwdora; DS9; Bashir-centric I like the way this vid interweaves the lighthearted fantasy of spy-dom that Julian plays at in the holodeck with the much more serious and dark reality of Section 31. Very nicely done. I Can't Hear the Music by Settiai; DS9; Kai Winn-centric The lyrics of this song are absolutely perfect for Winn. I love the way this vid highlights her moral turpitude while also making her sympathetic and revealing how tortured she is. Excellent character study. You've Got a Friend by llintrek; DS9; Jake&Nog I adore this friendship so much. When Sisko catches Jake teaching Nog how to read, my little heart clenches every single time. I love that their friendship persists into the future (or at least one possible vision of it in The Visitor). In many ways, they are the heart of the whole show to me, the ones who grow and change the most, and the ones whose bond is arguably the closest. J&J Tribute by DeepSpace9Fan; DS9; Julian&Jadzia I think that what struck me the most on this rewatch of DS9 is how much Julian really loves Jadzia and how fond she is of him. He begins as this incredibly green and naive and irritatingly young doctor who is used to women falling at his feet and being with beautiful women and OF COURSE he's interested in Jadzia. If you're not interested in Jadzia then you're broken in a way Lorraine can't help. LOL And then they actually become friends and over the years, his love for her becomes real and true and deep and abiding and about much more than how sexy smart and sexy hot she is. They do so many little quiet scenes with him after she gets with Worf and then after she dies, and his grief is palpable. Frankly, it's hard to watch. It hurts. And what makes it even so much more poignant is that Ezri tells Julian it could have been him, that she could have loved him, that she DID love him. *sniffle sobs* Deep Space Nine (was Terok Nor) by GhastlyH This is an awesome filk set to the tune of Istanbul (was Constantinople) by They Might Be Giants. This would be fun to sing en masse at a con. :) How Harry Potter Should Have Ended by HISHEdotcom; HP This is very silly and also contains an element of yes please. :) A Tribute to the Last Weasley Twin by Mirrorcat21; HP; George Weasley-centric This is haunting. I love how the video constantly cuts to an image of an alone and bereft George, looking mighty pensive. Excellent use of black and white footage; the lyrics are soul-slaying given George's circumstances. Really well done and heart hurty. Never Had a Dream Come True (Fred Weasley Tribute) by iamobsessedandproud; HP; Fred Weasley-centric And by contrast, this vid on the same thing makes me laugh because it's about how everybody is in love with Fred. Even Ginny, I think. And possibly Molly. *gigglesnort* Not Alone by ; HP; Death Hallows Part 2-centric All the little moments of connection and togetherness in the midst of terrible and horrible tragedy. This makes me tear up every damn time I watch it. Harry and Snape, Hermione telling Harry she'll go with him (Oh god I love that difference in the movie, that she KNOWS, SHE KNOWS OH MY FRICKING HEART). This is one of my favorite vids period. Lights Will Guide Me Home by Dazzlem7 HP; Ron/Hermione Excellent use of voice-over, beautiful dark filter over everything. Lovely character study of Ron. I love the refrain--lights will guide you home--and how literally true that is given that he finds his way back to Harry and Hermione through the Deluminator. Your Biggest Fan by wistful_fever; SPN; Sam&Dean I really like this vid. It's from the perspective of a pretty fucked up Dean (so, you know, Dean) who can recognize his own sacrifices but not Sam's. He's a martyr and very resigned to his martyrdom here. It defines him completely. This vid is quite dark, but somehow manages to be charming at the same time. It's probably all the grin shots interspersed throughout.
    tags: trek ds9 harrypotter spn

    [x] Just Because - Chuck vid rec: I bring you a Chuck vid rec. I Dream of Home by mswyrr is amazing in its own right, but I think it's even more amazing because it's her first video and you'd never know it from watching it. (My first vid was pretty obvious, looking back.) It's unashamedly Chuck/Sarah, which is nothing unusual in this fandom, but it's from Sarah's POV. It so very clearly illustrates that home is not a place but a state of being centered around those you love, a theme that has run through this show from the very first episode, that it gave me chills in a few places. The good kind of chills. The song is perfect for Chuck and Sarah (although I have to admit that I downloaded it for my Annie/Finnick playlist, 'cause it works for them, too) and some of the clips mswyrr used for the lyrics about darkness and home are beyond inspired. Go watch and leave her some love so she'll make more vids. 'kay? 'kay.
    tags: chuck

    [x] vidding: Our Vidding History: I came across a vidding term on Fanlore and thought it might be helpful if other vidders chimed in on what song choice means to them. I also wonder what other vidding terms need to be explained. In terms of vidding on Fanlore, some terms have been documented, there are a few general entries on vidding, and info about Vividcon and a few other vid shows.  However, a lot more can (and should be added). For example, anyone can make a page about  a vid they liked or one that moved them.  You don't have to be the - or even a - vidder. Icebound Stream Sequence More vids here And then it occurred to me there are other vidding communities, forums and cultures and.....well let's just say, vidding it all its infinite glory deserves to be Fanlored.
    tags: meta

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: I'm the biggest fangirl of Kuwdora's Stargate vid High Voltage. Dallascaper's Farscape vid Scorpy Went Down to Georgia is pretty amazing. And then it's even more amazing seeing that it was edited in 2003.
    tags: farscape sg1 sga sgu

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: Giandujakiss's Origin Stories was pretty formative for me. It was the first vid I can recall watching that made me re-think canon. Seah and Margie's Handlebars was another vid I can remember being really impacted by. I remember gasping out loud at the end, and kind of just making flaily hands at a lot of it. And not to suck up to our esteemed mod - oh, who am I kidding?! - but Jesus for the Jugular and Slow Down Gandhi are two of my go-to vids to show non-fandom people who want to know what I love about Carnivale and BSG.
    tags: btvs drwho carnivale bsg

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: There are so many, it's really hard to pick a few ones. Just randomly chosen, there are some all time favourites of mine: The Tree by newkidfan Language by newkidfan 9 to 5 by chayiana I just wanna make love to you by chayiana And my friend, kahesha made a 10 min long multifandom video, which is just gorgeous in every aspect. Here it is, if you don't fear of long vids: Ghost Love Score by kahesha I LOVE THEM. SO MUCH.
    tags: sga multi merlin rpf

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: This World by Buffyann. Perfect in every way. Goosebump time. Link Here Not the only vid Buffyann has made that has me drooling but I thought I better ration the brilliance....
    tags: bsg

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: I would have to say that my very favorite vid is Counting Bodies by Milly for the Angel fandom. I watch a lot of vids over again, and this one never loses its intensity. I think it captured Angel and Connor's relationship very well. I want her to make more freaky vids like this, because she really outshines herself with this one, in my opinion.
    tags: angel

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: omgyes, boulevard of broken dreams is soooo amazing! hwg is one of my favorite vidders ever *nods* but actually the one the one i remember the most (and also definitely influenced my own vidding a lot) is: talk show host, a stargate atlantis/john sheppard vid. i was so impressed with how she used the music. still am.
    tags: sga

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: Another big, big fave of mine is Big City Life (Dark Angel) by Lithium Doll. I can never get over how genius that song choice is. And the video is just lovely, too, with focusing on all the things that I loved and adored about the show, the hardship and loneliness, the corruptness of the city and the friendship between the characters, with blissfully ignoring some of season 2's ridiculouties (totally a word) like the secret cult and the stupid virus. I also love the use of typography with Manticore's doctrines appearing in Max's mirror, forming a connection to the words Ben used to write on the walls of his lair. So yes. If I had to make a top three list of my favourite vids, this would probably be up there. I just love it. A lot
    tags: darkangel

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: A new (to me) vid that I just watched, and thought was extraordinary: Clubbed to Death by aandthenyou on YouTube - Black Swan. Gorgeous. | wow, the way that's put together is really amazing. I'm particularly taken with the intro, the way the footwork expresses the music... it's exquisite. I'm almost inclined to say that sense of musicality is even more nuanced than an actual dancer dancing to music. It's interesting; when I see live dance, it's obviously about energy and direction and lots besides and a lot more than just looking exactly like the music, so a lot of the time vids of people dancing can be much more musically-attuned than even people dancing to music itself. I can see how that could be the case, but it's an interesting thought, all the same.
    tags: blackswan

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: I really like Session (State of Play) by rhoboat. Aside from the unusual choice of music it's also very cleverly edited, since the vid makes it look like there's a lot more of running and chasing in the series than there actually is. I thought that both that editing and the music helped to build the suspense nicely. | I remember Session was one of the premieres at Vividcon this year that really popped for me. I know nothing about the source, but as you said, that sense of direction and purpose really came through for me..
    tags: stateofplay

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: My biggest formative vid was hollywoodgrrl's Boulevard of Broken Songs, a Doctor Who S1 - S3 vid that just blew me away when I first saw it, and I still love it.
    tags: drwho

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: Living Dead Girl by Bradcpu. BtVS/AtS Faith character. Never not amazing. I just love how it works on SO MANY levels, as a character journey, as a relationship journey, the symbolism, the horror movie motifs, the musicality... Just a joy forever.
    tags: btvs

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: Stargate Atlantis was my first real vidding fandom and one of my very first all time favorite vids is I Am/Lamb by lim (I hope the link works, it's blocked for me.) I have also much much love for Sandman, This is how it works and My brilliant Idea.
    tags: sga

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: I have quite a few vids that I watch repeatedly, but a lot of my older recs are buried in my LJ before I started tagging my posts efficiently. I'll post them as I find them. But here are two: (Out of) Classical Gas by Jarrow and Young Guns by Reese I know nothing about space cowboy type shows, but these vids are visually and musically stunning.
    tags: firefly farscape

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: a pretty old vid, that is still in my top five: must be dreaming (yt link, because i couldn't find it anywhere else) by corn child. it's a firefly/serenity vid about river. i found it after i'd only just started vidding myself & it pretty much changed my whole view on it. it made me realize that a vid can be as much a piece of art as anything else. and that a vid can make me have shivers down my spine every single time i watch it ... that fighting/dancing scene is still one of my favorite things ever!
    tags: firefly

    [x] Forum - What are some of your all time favourite vids?: Fascination (Billy Elliot) - Charmax I may be biased because it's my favourite movie, but I love this video. Every time I watch I want to get up and dance, and whenever I hear the song I automatically picture scenes from the video before my inner eye
    tags: movie

    [x] nestra | (no subject): Nothing quite like watching a nature documentary and thinking Wait a minute, I know that evil blood-covered polar bear. So then I had to stop and watch Icebound Stream.
    tags: duesouth

    [x] tassosss | Day 18: Not a usual set of vid recs: From fandoms less traveled (at least by me) but no less loved. A few of these have made the rounds before I'm sure, but I'm a fan of sharing things over and over again. Feedback is love for these vidders. [Justified] Brothers in Arms (Raylan&/Boyd) by Wolfpup (wolfpup2000) | [Shelter] I'll Follow You Tonight (Zach/Shawn) by cherry (cherryice) | [Billy Eliot] Fascination (Billy/Dancing) by charmax | [Community] Sex and Reruns (Ensemble) by greensilver
    tags: community justified movie

    [x] astridv: Rec of the day: One final Portal rec because it's just too funny: Google knows the lyrics to Still Alive and sings along Spoilers for the ending of Portal, I guess. (I feel like I should add the warning that that song has a tendency to nest in your brain :P. That particular ear worm was coiled up in my head for days until it finally faded away (mostly).)
    tags: remix

    [x] land of sharp pointy things - Vid rec: Okay, this Helen/Nikola vid on YouTube is fabulously adorable:
    tags: sanctuary

    [x] spnvidrecs: It's a Long Way Down: This vid is a study of the theme water in the show. And it's just *WOW!!!* :D
    tags: spn

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that are publicly posted. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (especially ones that use tags) or have specific links to share, please let us know.

nov2011, recs

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