Countdown to freedom...

Aug 18, 2014 22:46

Only seven days left to go. Today week I shall turn in my keys at the end of my shift and shake the dust of the thrice-curst place from my boots forever!

I am so looking forward to not having to be nice to stupid people in order to earn a paycheck. I won't have to get yelled at just for doing my job and, more to the point, obeying the law.  I shan't have to put up with morons who are so dumb that they can't even figure out how to operate a gas pump correctly and then shout that I've done something wrong and they'll have my job.

I keep reminding myself, one more week - hold on for one more week, when someone is acting like an idiot.

Looking forward to the peace and quiet. For about a day. Then I need to get my space and my stuff organized for the start of the semester. I did get my 401(k) check, though. That will help so much with buying books and supplies, and paying for living expenses, until I get my student aid refund in September.

work, school, life

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