Oct 30, 2009 15:00
(( OOC: Set immediately after this post. ))
[After spending the night mingling and talking with the other people to get a gauge of their abilities, Travis lets out a quiet "hmph" as he claps loudly, getting the attention of everyone in the anime shop. He sticks a giant map of Infinity on one of the windows -- the forest and two parts of the city are circled in blue.]
All right, people, listen up! We've got some crazy spiritual fuckhead, Alejandro Rossellini, who's out to kill people in this nexus for some revengeance shit that he's been wanting for a millenia now. The thing is? He's not getting it. We're all here because we want this asshole to die, and we are going to make sure that he does!
And Kuja and I have a plan.
We'll need to make four groups -- three will be fighting, and the fourth will bait the bastard. Group one will consist of Ryotarou Dojima, Chie Satonaka, and Hime Yarizakura. The second group will consist of Remedi, both Liquid Snakes and Dexter. The third team will have me, Kuja, and Kaito. The bait will be Shinjiro Aragaki, Raz, Len Kagamine, Uni Giglionero and Reborn. Each team has been given two walkie-talkies to keep in contact with everyone else, baiting team included -- DON'T LOSE THEM.
Group one's focus will be to separate the mad mage from his sword. I don't know if you all noticed, but that sword of his? Kikuchiyo? It allows him to godmod shit. Both the baiting team and Team One will wait near the forest's edge and lure that Rossellini fucker into the open. Len's kindly volunteered to be shish-kebabed by the bastard -- during that time, someone's gonna have to keep him distracted while Dojima steals the sword from him. If he can take it while the mage's guard is down, then good; if not, someone's gonna have to help Dojima pry it from his hand. Either way, Chie and Hime will attack him afterwards; any baiters who can fight him are also allowed to do so if they can. Uni and Raz are in charge of contacting the second and third teams, if necessary.
Group two will mainly focus on keeping the spirit out of Infinity, and will be situated in a suburb close to the city limits. Remedi and both Liquid Snakes should focus on keeping the spirit away from town with their long-range magic and their weapons, while Dexter should move in close to attack him and prevent him from retaliating with any magic of his own. If he escapes from your sight, DON'T LEAVE THE AREA UNTIL WE SAY SO. If it's an emergency, Dexter will leave the area to contact the other teams.
Group three -- my fucking awesome group -- will see to it that if the spirit escapes both teams' clutches, he will be driven back into the forest. We;ll be situated near the city gates, though if the need arises we'll be able to get to either team before the fucker kills you all, if it gets to that. Our focus will be to provide extra manpower if shit goes to hell.
If Rossellini escapes either team, you're allowed to break up into teams of two and act as mobile units; the team arrangements I leave for you all to decide. Any and all people in the baiting group who can fight are allowed to join the first or second group as a mobile unit.
Len will make contact with the spirit at 5:00 PM this afternoon. Until then, rest up, get prepared, do whatever the fuck it takes for you to get ready to fight this fucker. By 5:00 PM you should all be situated in your spots. He's fast, he's hard and he's powerful, but even Rossellini will go down if we all go after him together. Until then, fuckers, you all stay safe.
Any questions?