"Like Sea Monkeys!" "...Yes, Kitty. Exactly like Sea Monkeys."

Jun 28, 2006 21:07

So, there's some stuff that I've been thinking about, from Superman Returns.
Okay, all in all, good movie. But I'm not liking the whole Kid thing. It's not that it's bad, it's just that it bugs me. It just doesn't quite work with the Superman story IMO. See, first off there's the timing. Lois Lane slept with Superman just before he took off, hooked up with James Marsden immediately, and slept with him so fast that he didn't question the timing of the Little Bundle Of Asthmatic Joy? Or was the whole James Marsden relationship already starting to brew when Superman took off for Krypton? That strains credulity too, because that still means that Lois would have to "get over" Superman really damn fast. So, yeah, the timing doesn't feel right at all.

*And* the whole "Superman sleeping with Lois" thing kinda irks me, too. I just don't like the idea of Superman sleeping with Lois without revealing the whole secret identity thing. It just feels dishonest, and it doesn't seem like something I can see Superman doing. And then the time thing shows up again: he sleeps with her, then takes off to visit Krypton's remains shortly after, without telling her anything about it?

But then I thought to myself: They have slept together... in Superman II. But does that mean that Superman Returns takes place almost exactly 5 years after Superman II? I dunno, it felt like there was more time between Superman II and Superman's departure for Krypton than just a few days. And how would she know that the kid is Superman's if that lovemaking in the Fortress of Solitude is what caused the kid? That kiss at the end erased all the knowledge of the entire movie of Superman II. And I can't see Lois Lane just adding up the hints of the Kid's super-parentage and being cool with not remembering at all the actual Kid-making. So, having the Kid conceived during Superman II answers a lot of my questions and doubts, but it does raise one or two others.

None of this is to say that I'm not looking forward to seeing what Brian Singer does with this whole thing. Right now, I'm mildly irked that the sequel is tentatively scheduled for 2009. Dammit, that's too long a wait!

And in other news, I saw a reviewer complaining that the composer for the movie kept throwing in the Superman theme whenever he could. Um, hello, that's what we're expecting! Do you also complain every time Adam Sandler makes a fart or piss joke in any of his movies? That's what he gets paid to do!

Oh, and one other thing: Why is it that everyone is making a big deal out of the Christ references, but no one is making any deal about the Greek Mythological references? That Atlas reference was a lot more interesting than the Christ reference. Greek pantheon REPRESENT!
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