(no subject)

Dec 20, 2012 12:54

Kurt felt like biting his nails.

Once again sitting in the Warbler's meeting room in front of Wes, only a round table separating them while Wes stared him down, creepy half-smile in place again. Dejá vu. Only this time, the Dalton hallways were completely empty and quiet as most of the students were on the school trip.

Despite having known Wes for quite some time and even trusting him, Kurt was still nervous about what he was about to ask.

"So?" Wes questioned. "What do you want to know that Blaine isn't supposed to hear? I mean, I have an inkling of what it might be but I don't want to jump to conclusions. Just.." Wes frowned at Kurt's stiff posture, "try to relax and ask away. I'm not going to judge you. I don't think anything can really shock me anymore, not since I caught Nick and Jeff last week…," Wes trailed off, apparently reliving the moment before shuddering and straightening in his own chair.

The clock in the room ticked away.

Kurt kept shooting looks at Wes, who sighed. "Kurt?" he prompted.

Kurt inhaled and tried to stop himself from turning dark red, but the mirror on the wall indicated otherwise.

"Oh my, I thought this topic would come up sooner or later," Wes mumbled to himself, as Kurt started.

"I want to know more about mating." Kurt coughed.

Wes raised his eyebrow, leaning back in his seat. "Elaborate."

Kurt gnawed at his lower lip, hating Wes for making to so difficult. It felt even worse than the talk with his dad. "I…we…uhm. Blaine and I have been together for some time…and while…uh- we've been…let's say, sexually active" Kurt coughed, ", we haven't done anything to start the mating process. And I thought this was okay, but in the last few weeks…I don't know. I know Blaine wants to mate, of course he does, but in the beginning I didn't want to. But now…I'm not so sure. I think I might want to, but that's when I realized I don't really know anything about it. I mean, I know it involves-" and Kurt quietly hissed the next words, his eyes searching for anyone who might overhear "anal sex, but I don't know anything else."

As Kurt ended, his whole face felt hot and flaming. Wes remained stoically seated, searching Kurt's face. The blush felt like it intensified the longer Wes wordlessly stared at him and he lowered his head.

"So you'd actually consider mating with Blaine already, even though you're so young."

Kurt opened his mouth. "Yes. I know it sounds crazy and I thought so too, I still do, but I still want to. I feel like we have a special connection. When I was in New York, my dream city, I couldn't enjoy at all without Blaine. It felt like there was something missing and I just can't leave Blaine behind in Ohio when I go to New York. The only thing I can dream about now is being with Blaine. It's selfish I know, but I think Blaine feels the same way. I just…need something more." Kurt felt stupid telling Wes all this, but he reminded himself it was necessary.

Wes kept staring, his mouth a thin line.

"I want to stay with Blaine, I really don't want anybody else." Kurt prompted, hoping Wes would finally say something, too.

"…but how can you know that for sure, Kurt? You are incredibly young, you're saying so yourself. How do you know you won't meet somebody you might love more than Blaine?"

Kurt felt anger flare up in his stomach. Yes, what Wes was asking was legitimate, but seriously, did Wes really think Kurt was so shallow and stupid not to have considered the possibilities himself?

"Don't you think I've already thought about that." Kurt barked.

"And what's your verdict?"

Kurt sighed internally. Why was Wes making him feel like he was on trial? "I still want to mate with Blaine. I know he's it. The person I can't imagine my life without." Kurt's voice quivered at the last bit. It all sounded so final, it sounded huge. It sounded like he was too young to say such things. But at the same time, he knew what he was saying was true.

Wes then moved, leaning forward.

"Kurt," he said gently, "I'm not trying to make this any harder for you than it already is. But there a few good reasons I'm doing this, why I have to make sure, you really want this. Because mating? It's more about than just penetrative coupling."

Kurt squirmed at the words, still not used to such open discussion about sex. He was still working on it. "So what does it entail?" Kurt asked stubbornly.

Wes cleared his throat. "Well, aside from the technicalities - which I'll explain in a few minutes - the moment it happens, your feelings will freeze."

Kurt eyes bulged. "What," he asked, not really understanding, "What do you mean?"

Wes looked like he had expected Kurt's reaction. "It's actually quite simple. When you talked about mating with Blaine, did he mention he didn't want to risk it without you completely consenting or wanting to?"

Kurt gulped, remembering that afternoon only some weeks ago, after his dad had caught them. "Yes…why?" he mumbled.

Wes nodded to himself. "At least Blaine's not a dragon who just jumps into things head first without thinking. That's good." Wes smiled.

"It's because the second a dragon has claimed their mate, their feelings for one another can't change. For their whole life. What you feel at the time you mate with Blaine, you will feel forever for him. And so, if this is something other than real love, it won't change. It's vastly important for the dragons too, because they feel the undercurrents of their mate's feelings. It's like having a sixth sense. Blaine will always know if you're happy or something's bothering you."

Kurt felt like he was tied to his seat. Everything seemed so huge and he felt like a tiny insect. "So I will always know how he is feeling, too?" Oh god, was that his voice? It had never been so high!

Wes smiled at him disarmingly. "Actually, not really. You're still human, so you don't exactly have the capability to feel or smell external emotions. But if Blaine's feelings are, ever really intense, you might be able to feel them, too."

Kurt gulped. "Okay…"

"This is why you need to be really sure, about what you're feeling. Your entire being will become dependent on Blaine. With mating, you're practically denying yourself every option to be with someone else. It's similar to marriage, only without the divorce option. Breaking the bond is just impossible." Wes smiled his creepy smile.

"Oh," Kurt quipped, overwhelmed. He suddenly understood Blaine so perfectly. And to think Blaine's whole life had Kurt as the center point…

"So…I think, I kind of understand what mating would mean. I'm not saying I understand it completely yet, I mean, it all seems so tremendous, I'll probably have to take a while to process all this." Kurt rambled.

"Just take your time, Kurt. No one's pressuring you. Not me, not Blaine, no one except maybe yourself. And you really shouldn't."

Kurt exhaled and nodded, trying to get his bearings again, back to his planned topics.

"Okay. Uhm…you also said something about - technicalities?" There were his flaming cheeks again, curse his complexion.

"Ohhhh…yes! Exactly, how could I forget!" Wes grinned.

Kurt was scared now. Not about the information but more because of Wes' uncommon enthusiasm for this subject. Maybe he took delight in Kurt discomfort.

"It's actually really simple." Wes deadpanned with a bored expression. "When things are heated and you're under Blaine with him between your legs, the second you show even a hint that you're ready, be it your body language or scent, Blaine will initiate the mating. He won't stop, can't stop even, and he'll wrap his wings around you both and then…yeah. Intercourse with penetration and he will probably scratch you with his nails to draw some blood. That's when the dragon magic's going to kick in, and when you're done, you're…well, mated."

Kurt was sure he was beet red again and his gaping mouth was far from attractive, but Wes' description sounded, at some points, actually kind of brutal. It certainly didn't sound like the romantic version Kurt had hoped for. And scratching? He shuddered.

Wes seemed to read him like an open book.

"I know it sounds rather rough and scary. That's why it's important you know about this beforehand and I'm really happy that you came and asked Kurt." Wes caught Kurt's eye. "It's also why I think Blaine is very, very smart and honest. I suppose, he could have mated with you already, if he had a single bad bone in his body."

Kurt shuddered, remembering all the horny moments, but nodded. "But…um, what if the dragon didn't care? What if the dragon just wanted to mate, the human didn't know anything about it and…," Kurt trailed off, afraid.

Wes smiled sadly. "Regrettably, this has been the case already far too many times. In the past humans were often forced to mate with their dragons, even though they didn't want to. They were caged in the mating bond for all their life. If a dragon doesn't care about their mate's feelings and didn't put those before their own, a dragon could be a human's worst nightmares. The mating bond was supposed to prevent such a coupling, as the dragon would feel the hate, fear and resentment of their mate their whole life. But it still didn't stop some of them…"

Kurt looked up as Wes' face closed off, his eyes becoming distant as if he remembered something bad.

Kurt coughed when he realized Wes wasn't going to elaborate anymore and Kurt just wanted to drop the topic. He had all the information he had needed on this one and the rest was up to him to decide, like Wes had already said.

"I…." Kurt began and Wes looked at Kurt again, looking a bit embarrassed, "I actually had two other questions. The first one is, I hope, just a pretty simple one."

Wes cocked his head.

"Do tell."

"I don't know if it's intentional or not and it was probably going on for weeks before I even picked it up. But Blaine has started to hum. Often. And I wondered what it means. He doesn't seem to be aware of it or at least I don't think he is, but it's pretty funny and sometimes weird."

Wes' eye light up and he chuckled.

"Oh, Blaine is ready for sure. I'm actually quite happy you asked this question after the mating one. The constant humming is a typical dragon behavior - and you're right, Blaine isn't even aware he's doing it - it's courtship behavior."

"Huh?" Kurt stared.

"It just shows very clearly that Blaine is more than ready to get mated." Wes smirked.

Kurt wondered if he would ever stop blushing today.

"Okay." He croaked, completely embarrassed. Poor Blaine, not even realizing he was loudly proclaiming what he wanted to do to Kurt.

But at least no one knew what the humming meant, except now Kurt.

"And what was the last question?"

Kurt startled at Wes' voice, momentarily distracted.

Kurt smiled. "It's actually something Carole, that's my stepmom, Dad and I have been talking about. I was wondering if you knew who-"

And so Kurt somehow, despite deep embarrassment, managed to survive the afternoon with Wes. In the end the mood was relaxed and the talk had been helpful. Wes even gave him cookies Jeff had baked, suggesting Blaine might like them a lot, as they had an ingredient dragons took to like cats did to cat nip.

It took quite some time before Blaine came down from the high induced by the cookies.

The following week was a busy one. Kurt stayed late at school, coming home only to greet Blaine briefly, before vanishing with his dad in the living room, where Blaine wasn't allowed to listen.

He pouted as he played videogames with Finn instead, but at least Blaine something to look forward to.

The day Blaine spent with Rachel, they began planning a garden party to celebrate the beginning of school break and summer. Blaine had never had the chance to plan a party himself, only ever watching them on television and in movies, and it had been fun to try different recipes with Rachel and some of the other girls. Even Finn had wanted to help but had been banished quickly when it become apparent he was eating the ingredients instead of helping.

The weekend came and the whole Glee club came to the small garden behind the Hudmels' house. What Blaine didn't get, was, that as soon as anyone saw him, they hugged him and congratulated him, saying they couldn't wait to see him.

Blaine kept smiling and thanking them, but he was deeply confused. His look of utter ignorance must have shown through at some point, as Kurt smiled pityingly at him, before grabbing his hand and shoving Blaine into the circle of friends as they stood in the garden, enjoying the different snacks and the non-so-not-alcoholic beverages Puck might have smuggled in with him.

Blaine kept glancing at all the faces smiling at him, wringing his hands. It wasn't until Kurt suddenly thrust a wrapped present into his hands, grinning from ear to ear that Blaine really felt like he must have missed something.

Blaine knew better than to let his confusion show, but he had a feeling this had to do with Kurt's busyness over the last week and all the long discussions Kurt and Burt had had. He just smiled and slowly opened the flat present, careful not to tear any of the wrapping.

It was a book. Blaine frowned, inspecting it. It had no title or even the name of an author on the front, only a green dragon was printed on the brown front cover.

He carefully opened the book to its first page. His eyes widened. It was a school organizer with his name spelled on it, including his address and boldly saying school year 2011/2012 McKinley High School.

Blaine felt tears threatening to spill out of his eyes, as Brittany awed at him and walked forward to hug him. "Welcome to McKinley my favorite dragon," she said against his ear. After her, everyone took turns in hugging him and welcoming him, Sam bumping his fist even.

Kurt was the last one to hug him as he whispered "I'll explain everything later".

Blaine cried in the end, but only out of happiness, realizing he was actually going to go to school with Kurt in the fall and wasn't going to have to stay behind anymore, waiting for everyone to come home.

Later on, as the sun was starting to descend and most of the glee club lay sprawled out in the grass, enjoying ice tea, Kurt sat next to Blaine on the porch, a bit away from the others. A firefly flew by them, Blaine imagining it to be a tiny dragon.

Kurt leaned against him, looking sideways at Blaine. "Sooo….what do you think about your present?" Kurt asked, clearly anxious for an answer.

Blaine laughed quietly. "Apart from being really happy? Confused. Don't misunderstand, I love that I'll attend school with you and the others in the fall, but…" Blaine voice turned hushed, "are you sure I can manage it? It says senior, but I've never been to school. How do you know I'm even capable of keeping up? I don't even know if I am…" Blaine frowned.

Kurt bumped his shoulder.

"Hey…it's okay. I actually asked Wes about integrating you in school and everything, as you couldn't be the first teenager to pop out of nowhere. And he assured me most dragons were vastly intelligent and often even went to university. And you're so smart, Blaine, I just know you'll manage. And besides, McKinley really isn't what one would call academically challenging. You'll do just fine."

Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's cheek.

Blaine pursed his lips. "Uhm…okay. But then…there's that." Blaine opened the organizer he was still holding to show the first page. "My name. It has a last name and it says Blaine Anderson. Why Anderson? Why not Hummel?"

Blaine's shaking and confused voice made Kurt's heart ache. He encircled Blaine with his arms and tugged him against him. "Because that's actually your last name," he said in soft voice.

"I kind of lied when I said I had to go out last weekend. I went to Wes and asked him about your parents - if he knew them, where they lived and so on. And what their names are. You just couldn't have come out of nowhere. Not exactly." Kurt smiled.

Blaine's wide eyes were staring up at him.

"Wes actually didn't only know their names, he had actually met them when they had given your egg to him. He had this photo and he gave it to me for you."

Kurt fumbled around his back pocket and slowly gave Blaine a picture. It was pretty small, not the size of an average photograph, but a photo nonetheless.

It showed Wes and two adults: A tall man with curly hair and a beautiful dark haired woman, holding the egg Blaine had been in. They were all smiling at the camera.

"Oh." Blaine's mouth fell open. "That's-" he breathed.

"-that's the woman and man from the mall." Kurt finished for him. "The one you had just run over to." Kurt smiled at his boyfriend.

"I think deep down, you just knew it was your mother. At least the dragon inside you did."

Blaine sniffed. "Did-", he coughed, his voice scratchy, "do you think she recognized me?"

Kurt was silent for a short while, thinking about the stare she had shot Blaine back then. It hadn't been the disgusted look of a stranger, there had been wonder in her eyes.

"I think she did. Maybe not in time for her to fully process, but she knew."

Blaine huffed and looked up at Kurt lovingly as happy tears rolled down his face. He clutched the photo and organizer to his chest.

"You know… I don't think I could ever have imagined I'd be as happy as I am right now." Blaine smiled.

Kurt nuzzled against the side of Blaine's face, holding a handkerchief out to for Blaine.

"Hm…I don't think so," he murmured.

Blaine chuckled as he wiped his face. "What don't you think?"

Kurt only smiled mysteriously, staying silent.

Blaine pouted. "Come on, what don't you think?"

Kurt hummed. "I don't think you're as happy yet as you'll ever be."

Blaine scoffed, frowning. "That's ridiculous. What more could there be to make me this happy?"

Kurt smiled at Blaine with a look that made Blaine's stomach jolt.


"I think…I could make you even happier right now." Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear, his breath grazing along Blaine's ear, making him shiver.

"Go get 'im tiger!" Santana yelled across the yard at them.

Kurt glared at her.

"Ignore her," Blaine murmured. "I really wanna know, now."

Suddenly Kurt's cocky and seductive exterior was replaced by a nervous boy, his gaze not so sure anymore.

Blaine could see Kurt's Adam's apple moving.

Kurt inhaled shakily. "Blaine?" he looked deeply into his eyes.

"Yeah?" Blaine breathed back, suddenly taking up the nervous energy too.

"I…-I thought about it for some time, and I'm sure. Really, really sure, when I say now: I want to mate with you."

Blaine's mouth had fallen open and his body was turning hot and cold in quick succession, not trusting his ears to have head Kurt correctly. "You-…you want?" Blaine stared at Kurt with big eyes.

"I want to. I want everything with you, Blaine. Don't ask me about being sure, I am. I want to spend my life with you. I want us to move into a tiny apartment in New York together, just the two of us. I want to forever feel like I do for you right now. I love you."

Blaine felt his heart explode inside his chest. "I love you too, Kurt," he whispered as he caught Kurt's lips in a kiss.

They ignored the cat calling from Puck and Santana and their friends cheering and Brittany screaming dragon babies!

Blaine's mind sang in that moment. Kurt had been right - now he was as happy as he could ever possibly be.

…My missing puzzle piece, I'm complete...


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