
Jan 15, 2019 22:36

I love apples, especially Fujis from the farmers market, but I'm not a big fan of cooked apple in general (my apologies to apple pie fans.) Sometimes though, we'll get apples that aren't very interesting or forget a few in the fridge and what do we do with them? Occasionally Mum would make applesauce and just … no, thank you.

However, I have now discovered two recipes that will make those leftover apples vastly more interesting and have considerably improved my opinion of cooked apple.

Danish apple cake

I have made this multiple times and it is excellent. Only apple cake I've ever liked. Simple, fruit studded cakes are a good way to jazz up disappointing fruit.

And a savoury recipe just tried tonight:

Nature's Candy

Well, it's diced sweet potato and apple with cinnamon and dried basil, roasted. Nature's candy? Not sure about that but it was very good and went well with the lamb ribs. Recommended!

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