Books of October
Underline: Greatly enjoyed; highly recommend.
Strikethrough: Did not like; do not recommend.
#Meh# It was okay; had some good points but I'm not keeping it.
Fiction - new
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville - (Audiobook project with varying quailty of readers. The best were superb. As for the book - dammit, Melville, write an adventure novel or a history book! Pick one! Already read an excellent and rather more accurate history - and the adventure novel could have been so good ... the side characters...)
Battle Magic (The Circle Reforged #3) by Tamora Pierce
Fiction - rereads
The Will of the Empress (Circle Reforged, #1) by Tamora Pierce
Street Magic (The Circle Opens, #2) by Tamora Pierce
Melting Stones (Circle Reforged, #2) by Tamora Pierce
Non-fiction - new
Cromwell: Our Chief of Men by Antonia Fraser
King Charles II by Antonia Fraser
#Circulation: William Harvey’s Revolutionary Idea# by Thomas Wright
1688: A Global History by John E. Wills Jr.
Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King by Antonia Fraser
Bonnie Prince Charlie: Charles Edward Stuart by Frank McLynn
Non-fiction - reread
Women All On Fire: The Women Of The English Civil War by Alison Plowden
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