Scratch what I wrote below.
mustntgetmy is totally right regarding InsaneJournal: that smiley is terrifying.
I am coming back around to fandom. What I decided a few bleary-eyed nights ago still sounds like a good idea. Sure, the scenery has changed a bit (has it really been 2+ years since I left?), and sure, HP fandom drama gets exhausting, but I was never the sort of person to let fandom eclipse my real life... So I think I'm in the clear.
A bit of housekeeping:
-this is a fandom journal. This means I will only talk about HP + fandom related events here. If you don't want your f*list filled with drabbles and HP babble, please don't add/remove me. I really, really will not be offended.
-all of my fan fiction will be archived at
my account. There will be things put up on LJ, but most everything I write will be at
-as far as you know, my name is Venetia Cursive.