(no subject)

Nov 26, 2006 16:32

I copied and pasted this from my MySpace because I'm too fucking lazy to re-do all of that again. So here you go.

Too lazy to go into details. So everyone gets pictures and I'll elaborate on them as much as I can. Some aren't very good, some I really like, some need to be straightened, but I'm kind of really exhausted in more ways than one to really make them look good. Some are blurry because they were taken from moving vehicles. I say vehicles because modes of transportation varied from cars to golf carts to buses. Some even look exactly the same, but they aren't. Annnnd I've taken a huge liking to skyscapes lately so there's quite a few of those. ANYWAYS...

On The Way There

^^First California beach I've ever seen.

^^Ignore the crappy quality. And lighting. And all of that.

^^We drove through the Redwood Forest. Literally.

^^Big tree.

^^Graffitti inside big tree.

^^Random park near big tree.

^^We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge. But I couldn't get a very good picture. So there you have it.

^^As soon as we switched over to Interstate-5, I was bored out of my mind.

^^This is why. YOU try staring at flatlands and dirt for hours and hours straight.


^^Grauman's Chinese Theater. They were playing Casino Royale. Lines were all the way down the street and around the block. Needless to say, we didn't watch it.

^^Shirley Temple's handprints! That's from 1935. I thought it was awesome.

^^Mel Gibson's. Just because it was the only one that wasn't occupied by PEOPLE.


^^Favorite director of all time.

^^Definitely classic.

^^Hell yes. :)

^^That was at an intersection.

^^YAY blurry cars.

^^We went there.

^^And there.

^^BAHAHA. If only you understood.



^^Took that on the tender to Catalina Island.

^^I don't know. Boredom I guess.

^^From my floor. I think. I read that the corridors of the ship put together equaled about four miles. You can see why.

^^Top deck.

Cruise Day 1: Los Angeles (San Pedro Port)

^^The first thing I took onboard. I really liked that bridge. I think it was called the Vincent Thomas or something.

^^Part of L.A. from the top.

^^As if it weren't obvious enough, that's where we left the port. Haha.

^^Told you I liked that bridge.

^^Hahaha family moment. We all had pina coladas.

Cruise Day 2: San Diego

We were all too lazy to get off the boat on that day, so we sat around by the pool instead. That's when I got my poor excuse of a tan that you can't really see unless you look closely. So pretty much, this is the view from the boat at different angles.

^^At least it was pretty.


Cruise Day 3: Catalina Island

The island's really small, inhabited by a couple thousand people. Everyone's main transportation is by golf cart, so we rented one of those and drove around the island. Pretty much, the nature conservatory people refuse to let anyone develop the land, and Avalon was the only city I saw.

^^The water was too shallow for the bighuge boat, so they had boats going and dropping us off on the island every half hour. View from the boat. It was pretty.

^^Apparently the circular building used to be a casino.

^^For an island, there wasn't very much sand.

^^Hey, look, it's the ship off in the distance.

^^We took the golf cart up into the hills and stuff. The view was pretty.

^^The rest of the island looked like that.

^^The ship again.

These rest are taken from the ship while we were still at Catalina.

^^It was really cloudy that day, and really cold. I sat up at the very top deck looking at that for quite a while with my iPod. It was calming. Sort of.


^^Because seeing things at a different angle is fun.


^^I don't know. He wasn't flying off whenever I got near him, so I decided to make him semi-artistic.

^^It didn't really work out because seagulls aren't all that artistic looking.

^^I like that one.

^^That one too.

^^This is the part where pictures start to look the same.

^^I like that one a lot too.

Cruise Day 4: Ensenada, Mexico

This was kind of a depressing town. For a tourist attraction, the streets were dirty and the conditions that people lived in made you feel very lucky. We went to this place out on the edge of the ocean called La Bufadora. It had a flea market, and apparently a spouting horn that I never saw. Oh well. I've seen tons in Depoe Bay. We took a bus out there, and it was pretty... depressing. Yeah. Shopped around for a little while, I got a silver bracelet. And it's real too, imagine that.That was about it, really.

^^I really don't know.

^^Out in the country somewhere. These next few are pretty blurry because of the whole moving-bus factor.

^^Seriously, there wasn't much.

^^That shack thing is someone's house.

We got out to the cliffs more...

^^Light blue water makes me happy.

^^This was the week of their anniversary. I liked that picture.

^^The view was amazing. Reminded me of a postcard or something.

^^The end of the market.

^^And the beginning.

These next ones are taken from the boat of Mexico around sunset.

^^Skyscape #8293747

^^There's so much SMOG.

^^That smog seriously encases the city in this huge bubble. It's insane.

These next couple are my favorite ones I took out of all of these.

^^I love, love, LOVE that one. I think I may get it printed.

*le sigh* I love sunsets.

The Way Back

There wasn't much. We drove by Mt. Shasta, and through a town called Weed. It made me laugh. Before and after Shasta, there was nothing else to look at.

^^Check out the cows. O_o

And that's it. Lots and lots of pictures. It was really fun. We've already got the next one planned out, and we're shooting for next year. Yay.

And now, I'm really, really tired. *runs off to bed*

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