Oh yeah, I have a LJ account don't I. Silly me for forgetting...

Aug 12, 2012 18:19

WOW…it has been over a month since I posted anything. This LJ ban at work has really cramped my style as I don’t really think about blogging when I’m home. Though I can still post things, I cannot edit them once they are posted nor can I check anything else on LJ due to the band… I find it all just retarded. What I need to do is try harder to get on here and post things when I’m at home instead of being a slacker and veggie out with some FB games and food network.

Anyways, nothing much has been going on since I last posted. We had a holiday (Lughnasadh) which I let sail past as I just wasn’t in the mood to celebrate. I haven’t been feeling very spiritual lately which does bother me a bit. I need to probably meditate or something …just don’t feel like it. Need to get my butt in gear.

I got pink eye recently. Totally not a fan. My eyes hurt so bad and waking up to a crusted over eye that I had to pry open was not very fun. And to make it even more annoying, apparently it liked me so much it did a repeat performance two days after I finished my drops. Lovely huh? So glad that shit is over…I don’t want to have to do that ever again.

Fae & I have been watching the Olympics as we like the gymnastics and the swimming. We caught a few of the track and field and it didn’t totally suck. Was very impressed with woman’s beach volleyball…glad Walsh & May took the gold for their final time. Don’t really care for the lifting, rowing, or basketball competitions…find them to be wasted sports.

Okay, hoping off of here to go back to my boring games and food network. Just wanted to let peeps know I’m still alive. Hope you all are doing well.

update, sabbat, pink eye, olympics, lughnasadh

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