Feb 28, 2012 12:59
So today I got a garnishment summons from the last (major) debt collector I have out there. I don’t know if I’m use to them by now or that I know it’s the last one, but I didn’t have a reaction when I was asked to receive it from the agent who dropped it off. It was almost as if I was numb to it or something. I collected it from the guy and talked to our HR person who called to let me know they were here. I explained to her why I had gotten it as she seemed curious about it. She had that “I want to know but it would be rude to ask” look on her face.
I did some quick math when I got back to my desk and I should be done with the payments after 5 paychecks. That means by mid April I should be relatively debt free. I’m sure there are some small things out there still, but for the big mistakes (credit cards and loans for computers) I should be in the clear. This is a good thing. ^_^
This is a completely new feeling for me which is probably why I don’t know how to react right now. I haven’t been without debt since I started having it back in college. I’m hoping as the total gets smaller and smaller I get more excited about the whole thing. To be debt free and as young as I still am should be an amazing feeling and I want to be able to enjoy it.