Oct 10, 2007 22:43
I was feeling very irritable today. I'm torn between thinking that this is due to my period, or if I'm just using that as an excuse. I know that often womyn use their periods as an excuse because according to society we're not supposed to be mad, or annoyed, so when we are it's "of course" because it's "that time of the month." But I just feel like I really am affected the change in hormones before my period. I've noticed this for awhile, before it used to be really serious, to the point where I'd have suicidal thoughts over some dumb shit and then it became more irritability over things I usually would have more patience for, or things I normally wouldn't be bothered by at all. I feel like it really has affected my relationships in the past and even now I have a really hard time keeping it under control. I feel like the few times I've been really annoyed with Luana or Natalie has been right before my period. I remember in the past getting into an argument with my ex boyfriend over something really dumb and waking up the next morning feeling like, wow, what happened? It felt like I acted while I was drunk or something. We covered this issue in womyn's health and apparently birth control is usually prescribed, which I'm not too thrilled about. I still haven't been able to deal with the pain of my periods without medicine, which is something I want to be able to do. Also, I'm just no good with pills, haha. I'm supposed to be taking two pills a day for my skin, and even that I've slacked on. So I don't know. Maybe I can just learn to anticipate the mood changes and work through it- but that's much easier said than done.
I actually should be working on the massive amount of work I have. I need to write a book report/analysis, study for my International Relations exam, and do two chapters in my health workbook. :( Yeah, I won't be sleeping tonight. It really sucks because I stayed home from work yesterday, and didn't get much at all done partly because I was gonna fall back on today. Turns out Natalie wasn't feeling well, so I decided to cover for her (part by choice but mostly because I didn't want to hear my dad complain) which now leaves me doing all this work at... 11pm. Wonderful. Oh well...
Oh and I also forgot my parents anniversary today. I'm too poor to get them anything, so I made them a card. Good ol' arts & crafts skills. :)