Jun 16, 2003 15:27
The Government sold us the war on the basis of Iraq's "massive" WMD program. The image was of a huge and deadly arsenal imperilling us all. Time was of the essence.
Allowing the chief United Nations weapons inspector, Hans Blix, the little more time he asked for would have been foolish (even though the Coalition is now taking for itself much more than the little extra time he asked for.)
However, no huge program has been found. If the WMD program was destroyed just before the war it must have been small. And whatever may yet be found would need to be so limited in scale as to have been concealable during weeks of searching. ( Andrew Wilkie )
Now Bush will start tryin to sell us on all these plans he has to help the people so that we dont have him impeached for false clams that lead us into war.
Either way, I could care less I distrust the goverment and what it stands for.