May 22, 2004 12:51
An update is in order!
So, the tent. Well, seemed like a good idea at the time. That is until a line of storms carrying 75 mile per hour winds sweep through, collapsing your tent and blowing some of the plastic flaps into Lake Michigan. As the storms started in the middle of a production, opening night was called and everyone was sent home.
Yesterday morning I awoke to find even more of the tent was gone, and we had to strike the set for a second time and load in again to the Ohio Room in Norris. As Friday is my discussion section day, I had to show up late to Load-in Take Three, so the least I could do was show up with three flasks. I know, I know...Tents do bad things to good people and make good people do bad things, which seems to be the theme of the show. Also, we managed to destroy the East Lawn of Norris--it is now swampland.
So after a joyful set up yesterday (in which I earned the official title as Props Ho), a group of us crew people decided we wanted to get as far away from the show as possible, so we went to see Shrek 2 and Imago, another NU show that didn't attempt to go up in a tent. Today I think I'll go see the 8 o'clock show and then strike--again--and enjoy the cast party. My only concern now, I guess, is if TI will ever let me back into the Prop Shop. I mean, only a few things were destroyed, but something tells me Laura and I are going to soon see pen-and-ink sketches of our faces posted on the walls of TI like a wanted sign, instructing people to call the proper authorities if these people are seen in or near the Prop Shop.
I guess in the long run I can say I was involved in what is already going down as the most disastrous production in Northwestern University history.