Apr 19, 2004 01:06
I should be proving the existence of God, but that seemed a bit heavy for tonight.
Today the temperature reached over 85 degrees, but the wind was unreal. It was the perfect kind of day to roll over and go back to bed. Instead I woke up and wrote a tree diagram for the word "antidisestablishmentarianism". Don't get me wrong, it was actually pretty fun, but school work just wasn't doing anything for me today. I took a trip to the Shakespeare Gardens where I read some poetry and some linguistics and eventually returned home when the itching in my eyes got to be too much to handle: the wind was blowing every little bit of dirt into my eyes, it seemed.
Speaking of the ocular, my eyes have me worried as of late. They seem to be more itchy than usual, which I'll attribute to allergies, but for the last few days I've been getting this random little flash of light in the left visual field of my left eye. It's almost like a little twinkle of silvery-white light. I don't know what it is, but it worries me. I'll admit, I'm paranoid about my eyes and I still do peripheral vision tests at least twice a day. I know nothing is wrong with them, but you know what they say, "Once bitten, twice shy."
Anyway, I wrote the second edition of The Toilet Paper today. It's still going smoothly, and I really hope it lasts. It's great because it gives me the outlet I haven't had in a while. I want to write something, but I just don't have time for it anymore. Anyway, my eyes are burning, so I'm going to bed.