European arrogance

Jun 16, 2005 19:33

Time for a little rant.

I am sick and tired of people bragging about things that only exist due to practicality. I am sick and tired of people drawing faulty conclusions.

"Most Europeans have passports. Most Americans don't. Americans are xenophobic and close-minded."

Wake up. It would take someone four days to travel by train across the country from San Francisco to New York City. That kind of scale is unimaginable for someone who doesn't live with it. You can drive across Liechtenstein in one hour. Hell yeah, I would have a passport if I lived there. I would need it. I wouldn't be able to live without it. Does the fact that practicality makes me need this thing render me superior to someone who needs one hour to drive across their city? No, so don't assume it does.

"Americans don't know any language except English. They're ethnocentric and close-minded."

When was the last time substantial numbers of Europeans learned Thai? Or Korean? Or Amharic? People learn languages to communicate. People learn the languages they need to know. There are areas of the United States which are heavily Hispanic. People who live in those areas tend to know a lot more Spanish than people who don't. Does that make them better people? No, they just do what they need to survive.

I am sick and tired of walking on eggshells around people who think my sole duty in life is to sit there patiently while they criticize my country. I am sick and tired of people who attribute my objections to "American propaganda". Hey! Guess what? I didn't have any love or appreciation for this country until I went to Europe, so it can thank itself for breeding this patriotism. Do you know what angered me the most? It wasn't criticism of America's actions or politics. It was the Europeans' belief that they knew more about America than I did. It was the Europeans' unshakeable faith in my stupidity. It was the arrogance of thinking and telling me that I was constantly bombarded with propaganda when I saw just as much propaganda over there. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Say what you will about arrogance, but I don't think it's polite to talk shit about someone's country when you're in it. I didn't do that when I was in Europe, but I've seen plenty of Europeans do it over here. I don't think it's polite to crack snide little jokes about someone's country at every damned opportunity. I don't do that, but I've had plenty of Europeans do it to me.

I finally realize that there is no need for me to shut my mouth politely when other people feel it is their god-given right to sling crap whenever they can. Why is it that when an American criticizes Europe, it is "American arrogance", but when a European criticizes America, it is "opening your eyes"?

Fuck these double standards.
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