I generally support the ACLU but sometimes they exhibit total butball behavior so I'm not a member. I'm not a member of the NRA because while I support their goals, I haven't actually learned to shoot a firearm yet. :)
True enough. I'm also just not a big joiner, though--I am very wary of associating myself with a large vocal group whose PR/marketing/image I have no control over. :)
I had a discussion about this with a friend. He pointed me out to the dangers of joining any political organization long-term. Take NOW, for example. At one point, it wasn't a marginalized, radical, insane group. I don't think it's a bad idea to join a group if you agree with everything it has done currently, just as long as you keep tabs on its evolution.
You can always resign from any organization that changes into something you don't like. George Bush Sr. resigned from the NRA after the "Jack Booted Thugs" comment.
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