OK, those of you who know me know that I'm not a particularly exhibitionistic person or anything, but I'm so proud of this huge bruise on my ass that I just had to post pics to share with you good people!
It's the result of a contact improvisation mishap that took place last Sunday afternoon. A dancer (who, I must add, is very talented and capable, and who I happen to admire very much) lifted me over her shoulder, then proceeded to lose her balance, sending me careening ass-first into the sharp corner of a hardwood bench against the wall of the studio. I could feel the bruise start to form immediately, but it stayed yellowish and barely visible for the first 24 hours after the incident. But now it's a beautiful, deep, dark purple, and is sure to turn an array of other colors over the next few days. My camphone doesn't quite do it justice, but you get the idea.
A few nights later this same dancer performed during a set by me, Verrastro, Bagato, Layne and a coupla others, and I was very impressed by her inventive use of the space and by her responses to the music. I'm looking forward to being dropped/thrown by her again in the future!!!
I hope you all are having a fantastic summer free of bodily harm.