300: The Middle Earth Society

Jul 30, 2005 09:04

  the middle earth society; dom/billy; g
  for zahz87...


There is a boy hanging nervously at the edge of the room, one Dominic doesn't recognise. He knows the look, though. There are nerds, and then there are Nerds, says that stance. Those types generally don't come more than once. This one may be different, though; there's something wistful about the set of his (oh, quite lovely) mouth, or perhaps his (greengreengreen) eyes...

He is jolted from his reverie by an elbow to the ribs. "T's you, secretary," mutters Craig, and Dom pulls himself together and hops off the desk he was sitting on, taking Sean's place at the podium.

"All right, are there any announcements?"

Quiet. That bloke (that pretty one) is staring at him. Well, everybody is, but.

"'Kay. Remember, there's RPing on Friday, but no meetings next week for the holiday, so have a great one. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna," he finishes, nodding dismissal, and a breath later the room is buzzing with chatter.

He can hear Craig laughing at him as Dom wanders over towards the door. Craig is too damned perceptive, is what. At least in matters of the, um... attractive male.

Viggo is already there, a friendly hand on the young man's shoulder. "I'm sure it wouldn't take you long to finish the rest over the holidays. You're a step or so ahead already, 'f you've read the Silmarillion. And I know you'd get along with these guys," he is saying, flashing his Strider grin. "Oh, and this," Viggo slings an arm along Dom's shoulders, bringing the two face to face, "is Dominic. The one I told you about. Dom, meet Billy Boyd."

Billy looks at him intently with clear, familiar eyes, and smiles, and Dom loses track of his heart completely.



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