Starring: Dom/Billy UST, and if I told the rest it wouldn't be a mystery.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The way I can imagine is not the true Way.
Notes: Written for
lotrpschallenge #8. Which means this fic has been in progress for three fricking years. So please enjoy it. Beta by
[theme music playing in the background]
It's time now for another episode of LOTRiPS MYSTERY THEATRE. Brought to you by
[organ music trills]
DOMINIC: [laughing] Your eyes give you away!
ELIJAH: Wha..?
SEAN: No, don't even try. We know you're not asleep. If you were, your eyes wouldn't be closed all the way. It's a damn creepy phenomenon, you know.
ELIJAH: Talk sense, f'r Chrissake. It's early.
DOMINIC: What, and make it easy on you? [music begins] Have you heard this yet? It's in Japanese.
ELIJAH: [groans] Make it stop...
DOMINIC: It's by The Pillows! [music increases in volume] Isn't the guitar work something? Wonder if we could get Billy to do that.
SEAN: Would you like some coffee? You look wrung out.
ELIJAH: Don't talk to me about coffee.
[roughly simultaneously, two pounding knocks come from different directions]
IAN: [muffled] Turn off that infernal noise!
DOMINIC: But Sir Ian--
IAN: Then turn it up loud enough for me to make out the words, and shut off the bass boost, or you'll have a wizard to deal with!
[one of the knocks sounds again]
SEAN: Get the door, will ya Dom?
[the door clicks and creaks metallically]
DOMINIC: Oh, hey Orli. You all right there, mate?
ORLANDO: ...[thud]
ELIJAH: Orlando? He's passed out!
DOMINIC: Um, I know, I'm the one who caught him. He's heavy for such a skinny guy.
SEAN: What's wrong with him? Should we call an ambulance?
DOMINIC: I can't tell. I think he's breathing... Yep. [light slap] Hey Orli! Wake up, you prat!
SEAN: Here, let's get him inside. [more thudding noises, and the dragging of a limp body]
ELIJAH: Put him in Billy's chair.
DOMINIC: Oof! ...Where is Billy, anyway?
SEAN: I haven't seen him at all yet this morning.
DOMINIC: I hope he's not passed out somewhere.
ELIJAH: [snickers] Maybe he'll need mouth-to-mouth, huh Dom?
DOMINIC: [defensively] Shut it!
SEAN: Shh, you guys, I think he's coming around.
ORLANDO: Whurrgh?
SEAN: Take it easy, there. Do you know what happened?
ORLANDO: ...[giggles drunkenly]
ELIJAH: What the fuck?
ORLANDO: [belches]
SEAN: Aw, no way! Who gave him booze so early? Today's going to be a nightmare when PJ realizes Legolas is smashed out of his mind.
ELIJAH: Not so loud! Maybe we can hide him until it wears off a little.
DOMINIC: Orlando... You're still drunk from yesterday, aren't you.
SEAN: What? Ohh, this is not good.
ELIJAH: Try putting him on the sofa back there and draping a blanket over him.
DOMINIC: Just so long as he doesn't pull a Native Son on us.
SEAN: Ugh, I read that. Morbid, Dom.
DOMINIC: And, up we go. Walk, Orli. One foot in front of the other, c'mon. Hey, 'Lighe, I know you're the idea man, but you don't think you could possibly give us a hand, here?
ELIJAH: Oh, I'd just be in the way...
DOMINIC: Whatever, mate.
SEAN: Somebody's coming! [frantic rustling]
VIGGO: Mornin'. Have you seen the elf? I thought he staggered up this way.
DOMINIC: Oh, hey Viggo. C'mon in. He's over there. Sit on him if you like.
ORLANDO: [groans over the squeal of the hinges]
SEAN: Or not, since he seems kinda nauseous.
VIGGO: Orlando? You're looking pretty rough, there, my friend.
DOMINIC: Yeah, he's tight as an owl.
VIGGO: Unfortunate. We're supposed to be filming more Council of Elrond today, and he has enough trouble sitting still as it is.
ELIJAH: What's the time frame on that? We haven't been called yet, but...
VIGGO: Bean's running interference while I round up this one, but I don't think he's going anywhere just now.
SEAN: How'd Orlando even get to set this morning? And... how did you know he was still drunk from last night, Dom?
DOMINIC: Don't look at me. Just 'cause I know he's such a lightweight that he can't even have the fumes wafted at him. I stayed in last night. Withnail & I was on.
IAN: [calls from the other side of the wall] I can attest to that! I saw part of it as well.
ALL: ...
DOMINIC: Anyway. Yeah, I had nothing to do with it.
BILLY: Nothing to do with what? Watching something?
SEAN: There you are! Where've you been all morning?
ELIJAH: Yeah, Dom was worried.
BILLY: That's sweet, but not really necessary. Just had a few things t' take care of.
DOMINIC: [growling]
BILLY: Is that Orlando back there? People are looking for you, mate. ...What's that look?
ORLANDO: [gurgles unhappily]
SEAN: He's toasted.
BILLY: [amused] Is that what Dom had nothing to do with?
DOMINIC: As a matter of fact, yes.
VIGGO: Savor this innocence. I'm sure it doesn't happen often.
ELIJAH: [chuckles] How true!
DOMINIC: The question being: Orli clearly got to the set somehow - who's his accomplice?
SEAN: He might have taken a taxi.
BILLY: Oh, the guilty party hasn't copped to the fault yet?
SEAN: Who?
BILLY: [dramatically] Him!
[organ sting]
ALL: [gasp]
ELIJAH: Hey, c'mon, why're you blaming me? Wha'd I do?
BILLY: Nice try, Elwood. The only reason you're not still tipsy is you've got a better tolerance than Orlando. But not by much. I saw you at two different gay bars in Wellington last night - though apparently you didn't see me. Too wrapped up in your own affairs, I think?
ELIJAH: It'll take more than shitty puns to get me to admit to anything!
BILLY: Oh, I think you'd be wisest to. After all, I saw you [whispers something unintelligible].
ELIJAH: [mutters] You'll pay for this, Bill, you really will.
BILLY: Frankly, I already am. I'm nearly as hung over as you, although it took a lot more drinks t' do this.
ELIJAH: Oh, um? Would you like some aspirin?
BILLY: I'm ahead of you on that front. [kindly] You drove Orli this morning, didn't you?
ORLANDO: He-- ha ha!
SEAN: What's that?
BILLY: Oh, you're actually conscious. Didn't realise.
ORLANDO: Not... just... the thing. [snrk] You know the thing?
ELIJAH: What thing?
DOMINIC: [thoughtfully] Was he this plastered when you brought him in this morning?
ELIJAH: He wasn't, actually. It's weird.
DOMINIC: Well, I think that's what he's trying to say.
ORLANDO: Yeah! There was, y'know, some other stuff... Other stuff. Heh.
BILLY: Other alcohol? On set? Where'd you find it?
ORLANDO: My ears.
VIGGO: Somebody get that boy some coffee. Eh. I'll do it.
SEAN: Your ears... You know what? I think I know what he's talking about! Look, he's only got one of his ears attached. And what on set has alcohol in it?
DOMINIC: The glue remover!
[organ chord]
ELIJAH: He drank that? Sick!
SEAN: No, it's just that... well, Dom said it a little while ago, and it's literally true, at least when Orlando's drunk to begin with: he can't even have the fumes wafted at him.
VIGGO: [starts laughing]
DOMINIC: Man. That's weak.
ELIJAH: He's really a much better dancer before he starts drinking.
BILLY: No offence to anybody but Orli, but somebody's got to keep him from drinking so much on work nights. See to that, won't you, 'Lijah?
ELIJAH: Yeah, okay.
SEAN: That really is sort of pathetic. And I guess there's still the problem of shifting the blame. Maybe we should tell them that he had a bad reaction to the glue remover, so they'll get some other kind to use on him. It's not a lie, and that'd keep it from happening again, at least.
PJ: Tell who?
ALL: Boss!
[multiple dramatic chords, followed by the theme music]
So concludes today's episode of LOTRiPS MYSTERY THEATRE, a presentation of
lotrpschallenge. Also brought to you by The Tinkilt Foundation. Tune in the same time next week for the thrilling continuation...
[soft organ melody]
DOMINIC: Hey, Bills? Did you say you were at a gay bar when you saw Orlando and Elijah?
BILLY: Er, yes. Two, actually. Why?
DOMINIC: Erm. I...
ELIJAH: [laughing loudly]
DOMINIC: I said shut up, 'Lighe!
[organ sting]
That's next week, on LOTRiPS MYSTERY THEATRE. Until then... sweet dreams, lotrippers.