Jul 01, 2009 18:32
Like the title says, I could really use a hug right now...
After Kale's party yesterday I started bleeding again, went home and tried to stop the blood flow enough for it to scab by sucking on ice again, but it wouldnt work. by 6am if I stopped with the ice i started bleeding...*A LOT*. I eventually said fuck it and fell asleep despite. When i woke up I had some blood stains on my bed and i was still bleeding. with a mouth full of blood still >.<
continuing on this line of "fuck it", i preceded to hope it would scab over till noon when i woke up and was so obviously tired/dizzy i realized i was losing to much blood and called the doc. i went in and She had to break out this electrical machine that burns the 7, count 'em seven, large tears in my throat. Its enough that she said that this would basically restart the healing process for my throat.
Thats right folks, I'm back at day 1. Best part is? According to her this shouldn't be happening. Talking shouldnt damage my throat enough to cause it to tear. She's never in twenty years had someone bleed so much after surgery, especially since during surgery when i was out. I barely bled at all. So after having to have my throat being burned shut for about 20 minutes i go home and nap right? I've been sleeping for the last 3 hours...
...and I'm bleeding again
its a different tear than the last ones to! Luckily its small and almost no blood but I have no idea how it tore, it doesn't make any sense!
I'm back to eating nothing but jello and water, when i *can* eat too.
I'm down to 204 pounds and i havent had real food in a week with the exception of mashed potatoes once and scrabbled eggs twice. And not that much of either >.<
I also cuz of this had to cancel my work for the next 2 weeks, which means i'm not gonna get a paycheck till the beginning of august!
In the mean time I owe about a thousand dollars, half to the city and half to my dad
And during summer is when make most of the money i live of for the year...
then for classes? check this out! Cause i got a C in microbiology the JC wont let me sign up for the class! My councilor didn't tell me about that! So yesterday when i went to sign up for classes I couldnt get in! I emailed my teacher and my councilor but theirs nothign either of them could do...
So I'm going to be 1 of 10 students in the fall trying to add to a class that probably will have 1 or 2 openings...