Stolen from aimlesscoyote

Jul 02, 2011 11:24

Coy had a cute post recently where we got to hear a dialogue between himself and his muses ... citing this as the reason he hasn't been writing!

In this spirit, I give you ...

Self: OK, let's see ... what to write next. Oh yeah, I have that smallfandomfest piece due.

Heyes: Hold on a minute! You promised the next chapter!

Self: I'll get to it! I just gotta work out some of the details.

Heyes: What's to work out? 'Cept I gotta go to the school Thursday so I can sort out the kids on Friday and go eat at Trout's.

JT: You should do more Bettancourt Studios stories and actually make some money, you know. I'm *koff* up for it. *rubs crotch suggestively*

Holmes: *clears throat softly, pointedly ignores JT* I realize that you've taken on a lot, but there is the matter of that ASJ/Holmes crossover that you promised to write.

Self: *sighs* I know. I have the basic outline. Once I get the details in place, I'll do it.

Nameless Velyr: When's the last time you wrote velyr fiction? Are you gonna wait till you retire or something?

Raven: Yeah, and what about me and Ian? Do I get a sex scene once I get together with the other wizard? And what's his name anyhow? I want a sex scene.

Heyes: Say, that's a good idea! Maybe me and the Kid ...

Self: NO! Outlaw Security is not going to be slash fiction. We've talked about this.

Heyes: *plaintively* But I'm horny!

Self: You're always horny. Go have sex on your own time.

JT: You can come over to my place, Heyes, Armand will probably want to make a movie out of it.

Gred/Forge: I'm not sure you're done with us, either. And Armand would love to make a movie of us!

Heyes: *eyes ginger twins thoughtfully, then glances at JT. Grins*

Holmes: If it's a matter of figuring out a suitable mystery, I have some ideas ...

Raven: When does the first book end, exactly? Am I gonna get a scene, or is it all gonna be the Jack personality? You do realize that I'm the interesting part?

Heyes: Not as interesting as me. I've been in this head for over 30 years!

Tell and Tano (velyr): We've been here nearly that long, so shaddup. *Tell eyes Heyes speculatively* You are kinda cute, though. *Tano elbows his partner*

Self: *bangs head against wall*

And now, I'm off to mail a few boxes of books off to Amazon -- did you know you can send them your books and have them sell them and ship them for you? The lazy bookseller's dream. And I do need to clear some of these books out of the house before they start breeding.

velyr - wtf?, the fall will probably kill you, jack raven, the great detective, i contain multitudes, bettancourt studios tales, ginger twins - yum, how can you stop writing?, hannibal heyes

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