Forgot one ...

Jun 02, 2011 23:49

I forgot to mention in my Ups and Downs post ... I got a nifty t-shirt in the mail! aka WikiAnswers, sent me a shirt to celebrate my answering over 200,000 questions!

Here are some things I'm working on ... making a list helps me concentrate:

1. Slash story: The Dark is Rising. WIll/Bran, "Telling The Families"
2. Story: Thunderheart. Crow Horse/ Ray, Cheating (at a game)
3. Finish the next Outlaw Security chapter, in which Heyes learns much about being a friend
4. Rewrite the chapter that does not please me!
5. Keep working on the angsty chapter to keep the medical stuff down and the interest level up
6. Start working on the Heyes/Holmes crossover sequel, in which Our Lads go to London

Off to write a bit before I doze off at the keyboard *grins*

reality interferes with my virtual life, how can you stop writing?, half a year up and half a year down

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