100 Tales: Green

Apr 11, 2010 09:53

Hannibal Heyes lay back in the grass. Green surrounded him. There was little Heyes liked better than a cool spring morning, just after the sun had warmed the dew off the grass, but before it heated the air. He plucked a stem and stuck it into his mouth, chewing gently.

Yep, a man could get used to this country thing. Back home, Pa had kept the lawn mowed short, and Ma frowned upon kids who came home with grass stains on their clothing. Out here, he could flop on the cool ground and nobody would say a thing.

Heyes stared up at the slice of blue sky he could see through the green canyon waving gently over him. He put his hands behind his head.

"Heyes?" The Kid was lying in his own grass canyon close by.


"Think we ought to go catch some fish for breakfast?"


fanfiction - not my universe, kid curry, 100 tales, alias smith and jones, hannibal heyes

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