Look What I Just Found!!

May 05, 2011 16:41

I've been trying to dig out some of my old porno gay erotic stories and get them onto the blog. Here's one that's so old I nearly forgot the plot!

Virgin Sacrifice
By J.D. Ryan

Ah, Halloween! When a young warlock’s heart lightly turns to thoughts of mischief. This year, the freshman class of Aleister Crowley University planned an all-out frenzy of mayhem. I was looking forward to a night of pranks, even though I was not exactly destined for the Dean’s List at ACU. I just couldn’t seem to get the hang of higher magic.

Today, I shoved thoughts of class rank to the back of my mind. I was determined to prove myself to my classmates. None of them seemed to like me much, but I’d show them. I’d spent all month thinking of pranks, practicing the spells. Now I had a scant handful, meager fare to my more talented classmates, but progress to the “Spell-less Freshman.” How I hated that nickname! Tonight I would prove them wrong. I had an arsenal of hair-coloring spells, zipper-sticking and unsticking spells, itching spells, and (my personal favorite) the ice-cold-dick spell (guaranteed to give you a wee willie in moments). Perfect for those intimate moments!

It was nearly sunset, time for all good warlocks to prowl. I showered in record time, scraped the few scraggly hairs from my chin, and rummaged through my closet. My best black jeans, of course, with the gray silk shirt I’d spent my graduation money on. The loafers every “in” magician was wearing this year. Finally, I knotted a jaunty orange ribbon around my ponytail.

I winked at the young stud in the mirror. I may have been no great shakes in the magic department - at least I had raven-black hair, a bewitchingly pale complexion, and eyes as dark as the Devil’s own soul. Now, if only Jeremy would notice. My gaze strayed to the pictures taped to my mirror. I’d clipped most them from the Crowley Crower. Jeremy starring in the Little Theatre production of “Salem: the True Story,” Jeremy winning the tennis match, Jeremy running for Student Council….

Jeremy ran through my dreams like a dark river. He was everything a young warlock could want: tall, dark, and devilishly handsome. Eyes like green glass reflected the world, glinting as though lit from within. I wanted him like I’d never wanted anything else, not even magic. If only he’d notice me watching from the wings. If only he’d give me more than that distracted glance I got when I attended practice.

With a lingering glance at Jeremy’s picture, I turned from the mirror. Time to hit the streets. I wanted to rack up a respectable record of pranked mortals before meeting the others at our midnight rendezvous. They’d likely head to the Witching Hour afterwards for drinks; the club was reputed to throw the best Halloween Bash on the coast. I checked my wallet once more as I trotted downstairs: ID, enough money for the entrance fee, Junior Magician’s License - everything in order.

I threw open the door to the street and dashed outside. I ran into what felt like a brick wall.

“Oof!” the brick wall said, giving way before me. I found myself on the sidewalk, my ass throbbing at the rude contact. Jeremy sat before me, trying to catch his breath.

Jeremy. My breath caught in my throat. Of all the stupid things I’d done, this had to take the cake! I’d run down my idol like some idiotic kid playing “Tag.” I could only stare as Jeremy scrambled to his feet, brushing dirt from his black velvet suit.

“I… I’m sorry,” I whispered. I wanted to say something witty, something that would prove I was worthy of his attention. I wanted to grovel at his feet and beg forgiveness. I wanted to sink into the ground! Jeremy scowled down at me.

“Watch where you’re going,” he said. I got to my feet without committing any more mayhem. Jeremy looked at me like I might be contagious. “Don’t I know you?” he asked.

My heart pounded. He’d noticed me at all those rehearsals! “I’m Evan,” I stammered, rubbing my sweaty palms against my jeans. I held out a hand. Jeremy’s eyes widened. A smile of recognition spread across his perfect lips.

“Evan!” he crowed. “The Spell-Less Freshman, of course!”

Jeremy’s laughter broke over me like a wave as he turned to leave. I was drowning in his scorn. My mouth dropped open, gasping for air. I wanted to turn and run, but I could only stand on the sidewalk, floundering, as Jeremy walked out of my life.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Excuse me,” said a soft, apologetic voice in my ear. I jumped. The last thing I needed was for somebody to catch the Spell-less Freshman with tears in his eyes. I whirled back toward my doorway.

“I couldn’t help but overhear,” the voice continued behind me. “If you’re Evan, I’ve been looking for you.”

I shook my head. What new ordeal lay in store? At least it didn’t sound like one of my classmates. I turned listlessly, blinking away my tears.

The man before me looked familiar: tall, thin, with a halo of white hair around his balding forehead. I stared at him without interest until my mind finally woke up to remind me of where I’d seen him. He was the Dean’s personal secretary.

He seemed nervous, glancing about to be certain we were alone, one thin hand fumbling at his black bow tie. He leaned over to pull me into a conspiratorial huddle.

“The fact of it is, young Evan,” he murmured, “our beloved university is in a terrible pickle right now. You are the only student who can help us.”

Right. The Spell-Less Freshman saves the day, everyone loves him afterwards. I wondered who had set this up and how they’d tricked a member of the staff into going along with it. I rolled my eyes, turned to leave. He grabbed my arm with surprising strength.

“I am in deadly earnest, my friend,” he said. I looked at him again. He did seem worried. I remembered his face as being unnaturally rosy-checked, like a mortal. Now the pasty color of his skin would make a witch-model jealous. His hair looked as though it hadn’t been combed in weeks.

Seeing he had my attention once more, the man guided me around the corner, to a black limo parked by the curb. I started to pull away, to protest, then shrugged. What could they possibly do to me that would be worse than Jeremy’s scorn? I wondered if I could drop out of school without anyone knowing. I wondered how many aspirin tablets it took to commit suicide.

I got into the back seat. The Dean’s man folded himself beside me. The limo pulled into the street, heading toward the heart of the university. I glanced around, more out of politeness than any feelings of interest. I didn’t think I could ever feel again; Jeremy had drowned my heart.

This must be the Dean’s private limo. Soft leather seats, tinted windows, a wet bar, even a small TV set - I almost wished they’d sent for me before I had lost my heart. I might have enjoyed riding in such a posh vehicle.

“Now, Evan,” the man beside me murmured, placing a hand on my shoulder. I sighed resignedly. He didn’t seem to notice that my world had just been destroyed. Couldn’t he just let me be quietly miserable?

“You may not realize that Halloween is a very dangerous time, magically speaking.”

I lifted one eyebrow. I hadn’t heard that one before. Then again, my Basic Theories professor put me to sleep nearly every morning. My guide continued.

“The Dean, as our most magically talented staff member, must perform certain spells at this time of year. Otherwise, the raw power raised by the mortals’ belief would wreak havoc. Your Consequences professor has already taught you about the dangers of uncontrolled power?”

I nodded dully. “Unfocused power is a conduit for evil,” I droned, copying the professor’s dry speech. “It leads to unnatural creations and could open a doorway into another dimension.”

Where was this leading? The man leaned close. He seemed even more distressed, a grimace of worry contorting his face.

“What we need, young Evan, is a virgin sacrifice. It’s the only thing that will master the unbridled energies of a mortal Halloween.”

My head whipped around. “Virgin?” I muttered, flushing.

He nodded. “We keep track of our virgin magicians,” he said, without explaining how. My face felt like it was on fire. “We did have another volunteer, but last night, she… well, she no longer fits the qualification.”

My numbed mind tried to take this in, and failed. “But there must be other…”

“No,” he interrupted me. “You’re the only one. This generation doesn’t have the respect for virginity that they did in my day.”

He stared into the distance, his eyes slightly glassy. “They just don’t understand the power of virginity,” he muttered. “The enormous potential of the sacrifice…”

My mind reeled, understanding the truth at last. The Dean wanted to sacrifice me! Then, a wave of relief surged over me. I wouldn’t have to live with Jeremy’s disdain! Never again would I hear the words “Spell-less Freshman.” I would be remembered as the hero of the hour - even Jeremy would have to respect me for this. Oh, he’d be sorry he laughed; they’d all be sorry!

“I’ll do it,” I said around the lump in my throat.

The man collapsed back against his seat, his color starting to return. “Oh, thank Hepzibah!” he muttered.

The limo pulled into the Dean’s underground garage. I followed the Dean’s man like a zombie, up the stairs and into a luxurious room that I suspected none of the other students had ever seen. This was the Dean’s private spell chamber. A tiny flare of awe penetrated my lethargy. I glanced around the room, noting the carved wood panels on the wall, the mahogany worktable beneath the window. Rich velvet curtains shielded that window from outside eyes. Their burgundy color reminded me of old blood, and I felt my heart thud heavily in my chest.

The Dean used only the finest equipment - I stared at the delicate fluted edges of a crucible whose price I suspected to be more than a year’s tuition. A marble altar occupied one corner of the room. I swallowed hard as I caught sight of the sacrificial knife, it’s dark blade gleaming in the lamplight.

“All right, girl,” a bass voice called from behind us. It rumbled through my spine and started something fluttering in my stomach. I turned slowly.

“Let’s get this over… with?” The Dean entered the room, his deep voice pausing as he caught sight of me. He fixed a steely glare on the wilting man at my side.

“What happened to the virgin?”

“Oh, dear,” the man murmured, tugging at his bow tie. “Her boyfriend proposed last night, Dean. We can’t use her.”

He turned to grab my arm like he was the one drowning. “But young Evan has volunteered!”

My face flamed again as the Dean studied me. He’d never looked quite like a magician to me, with that mane of sun-bronzed hair, those brilliant blue eyes. His eyes seemed to shoot electric sparks through me now. He said nothing, only stared. I wanted to turn and creep out the door.

“Do you understand what you’re doing?” he finally rumbled. “Do you come here of your own free will?”

I nodded, my gaze on the knife, not trusting myself to speak.

“Then come inside,” the Dean commanded. ‘You may leave us now, Titus.” The elderly man bowed, darting back into the hall. I sighed with relief; at least nobody else would see how nervous I was getting.

“Alright, get your clothes off,” the Dean said as the door closed behind us.

“Wha..?” I stared at him in shock, my mouth dropping open. “Why do I have to be naked?”

To my surprise, a blush spread over the rugged face. The Dean shrugged. “Guess you caught me,” he muttered.

He crossed to an elaborate armchair that faced his worktable. “Technically,” he said, staring at me from the throne-like seat, “you don’t have to be naked. We can do the spell fully clothed.”

A childlike grin crossed his face. One thick eyebrow shot upwards. “But I wanted to see what you look like,” he admitted with a shrug. “Is that such a crime?”

My mouth stayed open. “Why?” I blurted out, unable to even think of a reason.

The Dean cleared his throat. He glanced around the room. “Well, Evan, it’s like this,” he said, his fingers drumming on the arms of his chair - I realized with a start that he was as nervous as I was!

Knowing this, I relaxed a bit. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt as much as I thought, and at least I was spending my last moments with the most respected man on campus. This close, I couldn’t help but be impressed with his powerful aura. It felt like standing next to a giant electric generator, the sheer energy raising every hair on my body to attention.

I also felt a stirring at the base of my cock, as though it, too, wanted to salute the man’s power. And I noticed, for the first time, how handsome the Dean was in his magician’s robes. The blue silk made his eyes stand out like blue fire, like electricity. He turned those eyes back toward me, their gaze spearing me with intensity. The gaze went through me like lightning, settling in the base of my spine. My balls tingled from the force of that gaze.

“Evan, I don’t find women attractive,” the Dean said. It took me a moment to realize what he’d just said. I stared at him stupidly. He sprang from his armchair to pace the floor.

“Every year I go through the motions with the Halloween sacrifice,” he told me. I nodded as though I understood. “But every year it’s just an act, Evan. Because every year they bring me a female virgin. I have absolutely no desire to have a naked woman stretch out on that altar.”

He stopped pacing. I stared up into those blue eyes, only inches from mine. The Dean’s large hand rose, his fingers brushed my bangs away from my face. “And now they bring you,” he whispered. “Do you know how handsome you are?”

My entire body burned. This would never do - I’d only be a bigger laughingstock if he had sex with me. The others would say it was the only reason he kept me at school. I shook my head frantically.

“You have to sacrifice me,” I blurted. “There are plenty of students who are better looking!” I thought of Jeremy, and my heart lurched.

The Dean chuckled. “Oh, yes, you’ve already agreed to that,” he said, leaning toward me. “But this year I think it will be much more enjoyable.”

For an instant, I stared at him. I could feel his breath on my lips, could smell the mint he’d scented his mouth with. I wanted to step forward, into his arms, away from the sacrifice.

I grimaced, turning my face away. There was only one way the Spell-Less Freshman could redeem himself before his classmates. “What do I do, lie down on the altar?”

The Dean drew back, a puzzled frown creasing his forehead. “Why the sudden hurry?” His hands drew me back, turned my face toward him. “For a moment, there, you wanted me. What happened?”

I stared into his eyes. That electric bolt shot through me again. I felt my cock stiffening despite my fear, perhaps because of it. This close to death, I finally realized what life truly meant.

“I do want you!” The words fell out of my mouth without my permission. I clapped a hand over my lips to stop them. The Dean captured my hands in his, pulled them away from my face. I trembled like I’d just stepped out of an icy shower.

“Then why turn away? Your desire will only make the spell that much stronger.”

“I don’t want to be sacrificed, I want to stay with you!” My mouth, no longer safely controlled by my hands, blurted the truth. Horror flooded through me, followed by shame. I couldn’t even serve as the power source for a spell!

The Dean pulled me close. His lips closed over mine. My body responded, and I sank into his embrace, surrendered to his power. His mouth claimed mine, his tongue entering me to thrust against my own. I closed my eyes, giving myself completely to him. He growled, his teeth grating against mine. I shivered with delight, my cock springing to full attention.

His hands ripped at my clothing, tearing the silk away from my chest like tissue. Then his lips moved downward, to fasten on my hard nipples. I drew a shuddering breath as he sucked and nuzzled, his tongue flickering over my nubs like a flame. His hands slid around to cup my ass, squeezing hard enough to wring a gasp from me. His thumbs dug beneath my belt, the nails hard against my skin as he shoved my jeans over my hips. I whimpered as the tight pants scraped past my throbbing cock. It felt like my balls were going to rip right out of my crotch.

Then my jeans were on the floor, and the Dean’s mouth was on my cock. My hands buried themselves in his bronze mane, clenching into fists as he took me to the hilt. I had no idea it could feel this good. I’d never gone this far with anyone, especially not a powerful man like the Dean. I couldn’t believe the strongest magician in the city knelt before me, my cock in his mouth. But I didn’t want to wake up!

My hips quivered, thrusting my cock in and out of that warm, wet tunnel. I whimpered as I felt the Dean’s strong fingers tugging at my balls. And then they moved farther, to press against my puckered asshole. He shoved one thick finger inside me. I quivered, jerking back. One strong hand slid around to my ass, pulling me forward again.

Now he thrust a second finger inside. I groaned and wriggled. It felt like he was prying my hole open, trying to stretch it wider. Then he shoved both fingers deep inside me. Fireworks shot from my groin, making me see stars. I heard somebody moaning and realized it was myself. Then I realized that my body was shoving backwards, trying to get the Dean’s whole hand inside my ass.

"Merlin!" I screamed.

The Dean shoved his fingers deep into my ass. Hot cream shot from my cock, into his waiting throat. My fingers clenched in his hair, pulling his face to my crotch as I thrust again and again. My balls emptied themselves - no, it felt like they wrung themselves out, the climax was so strong. I heard my own voice crying out.

Then I was quivering in the Dean’s hands, my body wilting. His strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifted me. I felt a hard edge beneath my ass, then he lowered me to my back onto a smooth surface. I was too limp to resist. I was putty in his big hands. He raised my legs to his shoulders. I felt a firm pressure against my asshole.

I gasped as his cock entered me. It felt as thick as a fence post. My hole stretched wider than I thought possible. The Dean leaned forward, shoving more of his shaft inside. My body quivered, trembling at the pain. Just when I thought the head of his cock would hit the back of my throat, he stopped. I felt his wiry pubes against my ass.

I shivered on the table. The Dean filled me, stretching me to take his shaft. Slowly, the pain receded. I felt a delicious tingle deep inside my canal, where that massive cock throbbed with power. I became aware of the Dean’s hands again. They were fluttering over my nipples, tugging and pinching, wringing little flurries of pleasure from my nubs. Then they slid down to caress my cock and balls. One fist closed over my shaft, pulling it firm again. My eyes closed as my body obeyed the Dean’s wordless commands. The Master Magician’s hands worked their spell over me.

Time stopped as I lay there, full of the Dean’s shaft. He seemed to thrust into me for hours. My second climax built like a tidal wave as he pleasured me. I have no idea how long it took me to become aware of what was going on, but eventually I realized that the table was no longer cold and hard beneath my back.

My eyes flew open. I was about six inches above the altar, floating in midair. It felt like my body rested on a sheet of moving air, charged with static electricity. Not exactly uncomfortable, but certainly not anything I’d ever experienced before. My eyes widened at this display of power. The Dean must be the most powerful magician in the entire district.

My hair stood on end with the sheer magical power flowing through the room. I could actually see the aura surrounding the Dean: brilliant blue, nearly as bright as his eyes. I felt the force channeling through my body. It almost felt like my own power, waiting for me to use it. I stretched out my mind, gasping as my consciousness seemed to stretch as wide as my asshole had. I could feel the whole city!

All around us, mortals radiated magical energy. I could see the raw power pulsing through the streets, looking for a channel. And it found one. I watched as the Dean gathered that energy, focused it. His aura glowed bright enough to hurt my newfound sight. Power surged through the Dean, through me. My back arched, thrusting my cock forward as I climaxed.

Hot cream shot from my cock as the magic possessed us. Power erupted with the cream, billowing upward. It felt like my cock was a firehose, spraying magic outward. Deep within my ass, the Dean’s cock released its own load, filling my canal. I groaned, wanting more. My hips writhed, grinding against him, shoving his cock deeper into my body. His fist tightened on my shaft, wringing another load of cream from my balls.

I looked up at the Dean. I could still see the magical energy. He’d fused it into the protective spells of the college. His aura faded slowly, back to the unassuming blue it had first been when I’d entered his room. His body sagged, wilting against the table.

I tried to sit up. My muscles quivered so much that I could barely manage to roll over. The Dean slid from my ass, pulling a groan of protest from my lips. Then he leaned over me. His mouth found mine again. I closed my eyes, leaning into his kiss. I didn’t care that I’d ruined the sacrifice! This was what I had wanted all along. I’d just been looking at the wrong man.

Then the Dean pulled away. I glanced up, puzzled. One thick eyebrow quirked upwards toward his tousled mane.

“Are you going to come back down to Earth?” he asked. “Or do you plan to finish school a foot off the ground?”

I looked down at the table. It was still well below my body. I shrugged. “I’m not doing it. I flunked levitation this semester.”

The Dean wrapped his arms around me, tugging me into a sitting position. “I’ll have to speak to your professor, then. Perhaps you could retake the exam.”

He reached around me, then. I stiffened as he picked up the knife, then relaxed as I recognized his gestures. He was merely closing his spell, using the enchanted blade to ground the energy to his altar. He set down the knife and moved his lips to my chest, nuzzled my still-hard nubs. His hands slid underneath my ass. I melted into his arms.

“Come down,” he whispered. “I want to wash off this sweat.” His tongue flickered over my nipples, tugging a gasp from me. He slid his hands around to my cock.

“And I want to take you again, Evan. This time without the magical fireworks.”

I shook my head. “I’m telling you, I didn’t do anything except channel your power.”

The Dean laughed, a deep rumble that echoed through my chest. “Evan, I’m exhausted. My power isn’t even enough to light a candle at this moment. Now, concentrate on lowering yourself.”

I shrugged. It wouldn’t hurt to humor him, after all. I tried to remember my levitation lectures, focused on “down.” The table slapped my backside hard enough to knock the breath out of me.

“Well, your technique will improve,” the Dean murmured, his lips brushing my hair. He tugged me from the table. I blinked. My mind still felt stretched, like part of it floated outside my body. I looked at him, bemused, only now noticing how dim his aura had become. He was right - he’d used nearly all his power to do whatever he’d just done. Could it be that my own abilities had suddenly awakened? The Dean seemed not to notice my bewilderment.

“My rooms are just down the hall,” he said. His hands roamed over my chest, my ass. It was like he didn’t want to pull away, even long enough for me to dress. I understood the feeling. My own hands tugged at his shirt, slid underneath to a forest of thick, blond hair. My mouth explored his face. We moved across the room, wound together. The Dean’s cloak had slipped from his back sometime during my impalement. He leaned over to collect it, scooping up my own tattered clothing as well.

“I’ll replace the shirt,” he muttered, blushing. “I didn’t mean to ruin it.”

I suddenly remembered that I had ruined something even more important than a silk shirt. I pulled him around to face me, locking my fists into his lapels.

“The sacrifice! What are you going to do for a virgin?”

The Dean stared down at me for a moment. His jaw dropped. Then he threw back his head. His laughter echoed in the room.

“Silly boy,” he said, “The spell is already complete.”

I could only stare back. The Dean pulled me into his arms.

“Evan, you and I channeled that magic together. The sacrifice of your virginity gave us the power to control it.”

My mouth dropped open. “Virgin sacrifice,” I muttered, finally understanding. I wondered what else I’d slumbered through in Basic Theories.

“Yes,” the Dean said. His hands found my nipples again. “There is nothing as powerful as a virgin magician. Especially one whose talents have been slumbering.”

I stared up at him. “And you’ve awakened them,” I said.

“We awakened them,” he corrected, leading me to the doorway. “And I am looking forward to tutoring you in their use. Private lessons, of course.”

My arms wound around his waist. I leaned my head against his shoulder with a sigh. “I have to warn you,” I said, “I’m a slow learner. I’m afraid you’ll have to spend quite a lot of time on me.

The Dean smiled. “I intend to,” he murmured, bending to fasten his lips on mine.


Yeah, it's pretty raw -- this is one of the first ones I actually sent out on the publisher's rounds. I'm still planning to get it published somewhere!

slash - see entry on man/man, original fiction, pr0n, you shall not pass, the clocks were striking thirteen

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