Random Musings

Apr 05, 2011 22:46

So I'm sitting here, listening to old ASJ episodes on Hulu (dammit I've seen 'em so many times, but I just like hearing their voices sometimes), thinking many thoughts.

I'm about to need a new water heater, which sucks. This one has shut off twice -- it has a pinhole leak somewhere in the tank, and it keeps dripping down and dowsing the pilot light. I want a tankless one anyhow, so I just need to squirrel away $700 plus for the heater and installation fees. It'll be nice to feel more "green" than I was - gas is already better than electricity, and now I won't be using all that energy keeping 40 gallons of water hot all day long just in case I needed it. It's just that right now, $700 is a bit steep. I'm still trying to pay two mortgages - if I don't keep up the payments on Mom's old house until it sells, the bank's just going to foreclose and my sister and I will get nothing. Of course, said sister is jobless, and has not helped at all with any of the money. Once it sells, I'll get my money back, but just now, it's tough.

We had a business meeting this morning. They always schedule meetings on your days off, don't they? And companies are always coming up with new "wooHOO" ideas for you to jump behind. At least my new company is better than the old - most of what they do makes sense. Plus, it's employee owned, so we get a slice of the profit, and our company has no debt, so we have been solvent for 40 years (zero layoffs, even during the Depression, that's pretty good).

Today's meeting was with Mike, our district manager. He didn't bring his assistant, which was disappointing to me, as I have yet to meet Joshua Smith! Yep, our assistant DM is named for Heyes. I can't help having horrible daydreams in which he is a wiry, dark haired dude with adorable dimples. He probably looks like Roger Davis *sigh*

Read a great essay by jekesta  - we share almost the same view of the Pete/Roger switch, and I had to copy her essay to read over and over again! I actually tried to add it to my memories, but the blasted app wasn't working properly and kept trying to post the essay to this LJ instead!

I'm nearly finished with the Holmes/Heyes fic -- I keep getting stuck with Holmes' stuffy Victorian speech and having to go back and rewrite! Plus, the scenes with him and Heyes make me laugh so much I can't type.

I ain't as good at dee-tecting as Sherlock Holmes, but I am good at finding things out. Plus, you left your passports in the cart."
          "They were in a locked safe! Behind a hidden panel under that seat! You shouldn't have even noticed it."
          "I get bored easy."

It's easier to write fanfic with Heyes and Curry talking in the background, too.

fanfiction - not my universe, why is the rum gone?, kid curry, making you read bad poetry, 15 schnitzengruben is my limit, alias smith and jones, hannibal heyes

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