Really Weird ...

Mar 26, 2011 00:19

 OK so I was putzing around on the net and happened on the website for one of the colleges I attended (Converse). I had a Geology professor there once who I swear looked exactly like Pete! And he's still teaching there! I blipped to his page, and am staring at him, thinking "This is what Pete would look like now...."  And he's still a cute little old man, dammit, with those deep creased dimples ... that cute turned up nose ... and he still has all his hair!


More Photos ... I want to take a chemistry class now ... I gotta see if I can find that old photo I have of Dr. Howe now ...

DAMMIT!! I was going to go to the college library and look at some old yearbooks --- and it's feckin SPRING BREAK!!
Have to go next week or so and get some photocopies ...

     I can see it ...

reality interferes with my virtual life, anyone know what this duck is saying?, alias smith and jones

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