(no subject)

Aug 27, 2022 16:02

My main prizes have arrived! I have a nice big tote bag and a coffee mug, both customized with the book cover.

I figure I'll include some hot cocoa mix and a nice pen with the mug, maybe a blank journal & some candy in the tote bag (oh, and of course a pen). I'm going to make "business cards" with a QR code leading to my website, too. I'm currently working on a short story to give away as an extra prize for visiting the website. I also have a couple of pages of fun information relating to the story in the anthology. Should be fun...

I'm toying with the idea that we (whichever other authors show up) should do a short reading, but not entirely certain. Maybe I'll do a scavenger hunt instead ... Take a photo of a book with a bird on the cover ...

books broaden your mind, all that is gold does not glitter, but wait ... there's more!, how can you stop writing?

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