Spider-Man No Way Home

Dec 26, 2021 11:10

Went back to the movies last night ... first time since COVID hit! Holy cow what a change. We waited in line almost an hour for popcorn and a drink. And no, I'm not exaggerating ... we had to exchange our tickets for a later showtime! And when we got to the counter, they were out of Pepli, Sierra Mist, nachos, and every Icee flavor except Mountain Dew...

The movie itself was good, although it has a few unpleasant surprises. They pulled in the multi-verse idea from the animated movie and brought back the two previous Spider-Men to help the current one defeat the bad guys from another dimension. All in all, a nice story, though next time I may smuggle in a drink and snack.

Christmas itself was a bit of a let-down. The nephew is up to something ... at first, he wanted to wait until 10am to even leave, then his mom talked him into our normal 9:00. But then after we got there, he kept whining to leave earlier and earlier. We don't know what he's got going on, but we can only hope it's not back to the drugs ...

I did get some nice presents from the main cousins (the second generation never thinks to get me anything in return), and the sister got me a book and some warm socks, which I might actually try. My problem is that when I try sleeping in socks I end up getting too warm...

My best friend B and his partner sent me an unexpectedly generous Amazon card, which I have to really think about before spending it! And my other best friend B is sending a box of something she's not even hinting about ... hopefully it will arrive this week.

Tomorrow the roomie and I both have the day off, so we might try doing something together. Maybe lunch downtown if the weather is nice, which it has been for the past 2 days. 70s and clear, which is crazy for the end of December!

I'm off to finish up my monthly Patreon story and publish that, then work on a couple for various anthologies due in January and February.

even when i'm wrong i'm right, best friends are part of your soul, reality interferes with my virtual life, books broaden your mind, it is what it is, can you watch too many movies?, get off the road you fecking bastahd, crivens!, how can you stop writing?, you can't choose your family

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