(no subject)

Jan 22, 2021 15:14

Finished another article for my client (all about longevity) and worked up another Amish romance plot (we're doing a series where the baker and his wife are matchmaking). Now I'm going to try to finish my story for "Isolation," the contest run by one of the state writing association's chapters -- winners just get Amazon gift cards, but hey, a prize is a prize. And "prize-winning author" looks good on a signature line.

The "Joining Forces" story seems to be going fairly well. I've sent my partner my half of the beginning, up to the point where her character pops in. I'm waiting for her to finish her beginning and then we can decide how the two characters are going to work together to find little "Kevin" and save the day. I'm also working on a story for my Patreon site (I tend to forget about it until the last second and then scramble to find some scrap of writing to post there). I also have to get something put together for my "12 Stories in 12 Months" challenge, which is due, I believe, on the 27th.

I read a couple of good "fluff" novels this week. They're by Beth O'Leary and are contemporary romanc-y stories about quirky characters dealing with painful issues. The Switch is about a grandmother and her granddaughter who decide to swap houses for two months in order to deal with the memories of the other granddaughter's death. And Grandma's decided she needs to start dating again (at 79). The Flatmates is about a man and woman who need a roomate to make ends meet and agree to share a one-bedroom since one of them works nights and the other works days. They communicate with notes, which become increasingly more complicated as the woman works on recovering from an emotionally abusive relationship that may or may not be entirely over, and the man deals with his brother's wrongful imprisonment and a lawyer who doesn't seem to care.

On the job front, I'm starting to feel as if I'm running my head against a brick wall. There just aren't that many jobs out there, and what there are, I've already worked for that company and don't want to go back! I'm bloody tired of runnig around like a headless chicken forever playing catch-up. I'd like a job where my concentration is on the patient instead of on the sale. Or something not even pharmacy related that will pay the mortgage, if that pops up on my radar.

The useless nephew has been using me as a taxi service more and more lately. I've put up with it because he does have a legit medical problem at the moment and can't always get a convenient appointment that the Welfare Van will drive him to and from (they need 3 weeks notice). I'll drive him to his colonoscopy next month because they're hunting for the spot in his colon where a diverticulum (or whatever the singular form is) has perforated and formed a hole. He has surgery the next day to remove that part of the colon and stitch the remaining sections back together again. I'm letting his mom drive him to that and stay at the hospital with him. After that, Auntie J is going to put her foot down and say "no more last-minute rides." He's never ready on time for one thing and then we have to rush to get to the doctor's office, and I resent being taken for granted as a taxi service. I had to take him to an appointment with the surgeon this morning because his mom, who was supposed to take him, was supposedly exposed to COVID this week and is quarantining for 14 days. I say supposedly because with these two there's no way of knowing what the truth really is. Our cousin says my sister was trying to come up with excuses not to come to church this Sunday (she's the music leader too) ... she may have made up the whole exposure just to get out of doing 2 chores she really didn't want to do. If so, and if I ever find out she's lied, I'm never going to do her any favors again -- her or her son either one.

OK /rant

the clocks were striking thirteen, velyr - wtf?, as dumb as a box of hair, books broaden your mind, i'm attacking the darkness, get off the road you fecking bastahd, how can you stop writing?, crivens!

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