(no subject)

Nov 15, 2020 11:05

So the "Masks" story didn't make the short-list for that anthology -- just a form rejection. That bites because I was so sure it would get in. Friday the 13th indeed.

I'm working on a new Amish romance now, for pay. It's a second-chance romance between a widow and a widower, each with grown children. The conflict is that they're business rivals and can't stand one another.

I finished the god story too -- sent that one out to the critique group to see what they think of it. I'm hoping it'll be different enough to get into that anthology at the end of the year. Of course, now my confidence is shot so ...

I have an appointment with H&R Block tomorrow afternoon to discuss the $4,000 fine the IRS is trying to impose for "not filing on time" after I filed for an extension. $20,000 owed is quite enough, thank you. Stupid Publix ruining my retirement fund that way.

I also have an appointment Thursday to get a "RealID" so I can use it at the airport to travel. I'll be seeing my therapist this week too. Must remember to call the local job recruiters' office before then to see if they can help me get a new job -- or a new career! This is getting very old.

Thanksgiving will be at my sister's. I haven't decided whether or not I'll wear a mask at her house. I trust that she's been wearing one, but I don't trust Josh and he goes to NA meetings all the time. Of course, I have to drive 30 minutes out of the way to pick him up (and 30 to drop him off again), which he doesn't appreciate. I guess I just don't feel I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I guess I should be grateful I haven't gotten the damn virus myself!

This will be our first holiday season without Jenelle. I know we didn't really "have" her anyhow since she was in the nursing facility, but I'm going to miss her a lot. At least I always tried to get over for a visit on her birthday (in December) and the two holidays. She loved a particular cookie called Mallomars and I still have a few boxes left over from this past year (I stockpiled them because they're only sold during the winter and they sell out FAST down here).

I've been trying to read a few books by members of one of my critique groups so I can leave reviews. One down, two to go. They're mostly historical fiction, so that's not too bad. I always hesitate to say I'll give a review though -- what if I don't like the book at all? I think it's better not to leave a review than to leave a bad score. My lowest score is a 3 anyhow, and that's if I didn't like the story at all or couldn't even finish reading it.

NaNoWriMo is going OK this year since I don't have a job to interfere with my writing. I'm not doing a "novel" though. Just writing short stories and articles and blog posts. It's all stuff I need to write, though, so I figure it counts. And I'm (mostly) getting at least the 1,667 words a day in.

We've also been playing World of Warcraft lately because they have a new expansion coming out later this month. Whenever they do that, they throw in a whole lot of new content that's interesting to read and play through. New quests and such, chances to upgrade your character's gear, that sort of thing. Of course the downside is that you have to upgrade all of your highest level characters (and we have a lot of them). It does get tiresome doing the same quests over and over to get the gear.

Just got a text saying my "drug dealer" is bringing my Mexican Cokes by this afternoon. He's got a Costco membership and picks me up a couple of cases at a time. It's a lot cheaper than paying $1.59 per bottle at the grocery store.

Well I should get back to that romance plot. I need to think up some more complications that get in their way before I burn down the diner so he can save her and realize how important she is to him!

games n geeks n nerds oh my, taanstaafl, best friends are part of your soul, but wait ... there's more!, travel broadens your mind, you can't choose your family, how can you stop writing?, crivens!

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