U2 and Other Things

Mar 24, 2005 12:25

So I'm off to Albuquerque on Monday to spend a week with my best friend B. I'm debating whether to take the laptop or just log online at his place. I'll probably leave the laptop at home and take an actual paper journal (gasp) to write in. I really need to learn to pack light ... I'll probably end up taking both cameras coz I love my old Canon manual (that's almost as old as I am) but the new automatic is so much lighter ... And who can spend a day in and out of airports without at least one book and a crossword magazine? Then there are the things I never pack into a checked bag - never had one lost yet but I'm not tempting the gods by trying anything - like daily medicine, anything worth over $100 that could be stolen, film, gifts for B (plus his bf and for his son who I absolutely adore more than any kid I know), and a change of undies in case the luggage does get lost!

Heard this great quote by Bono (from the Hall of Fame induction I think): Now you look at this guitar genius, you look at this Zen-like master that is the Edge, and you hear those brittle icy notes and you might be forgiven for forgetting that you cannot play like that unless you have a rage inside you. In fact, I had forgotten that on that particular night, and he tried to break my nose. And I learned a great, great lesson that night. You do not pick a fight with someone who for a living lives off hand-eye coordination. Dangerous, dangerous man, the Edge.

best friends are part of your soul, reality interferes with my virtual life, four yobbos from dublin who sing a bit

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