(no subject)

Feb 02, 2020 19:36

Well the snow didn't stick ... surprise, surprise

Still trying to get the first few chapters of the novel to "grab" the readers. I'm not sure if I'm starting too early or too late though ... maybe I need to save up and hire a professional editor.

And the blasted nephew has started trying to call me every day or so. Damn it, I can only handle him once a week (or even less if I must be honest). He never has anything to talk about, just complain about how bad his life is and expect me to entertain him. Actually, I think he'd be happy if I just sat there breathing for an hour or so. I'm torn between feeling sorry for him for being that lonely and wanting to kick his arse into actually doing something about it. I know he's mentally unstable and has no social skills, but dammit, someday his mom and I are going to be gone and he's going to have to survive on his own without calling us all the time.

My sister's iron levels are sky-high and we don't know why. She's seeing several specialists at the moment, who are running tests. So far, the Big-C-Word has not been mentioned, thankfully, but that's always a worry at our age. Google is no help; it lists symptoms but no causes. She's also got some sort of weird rash that pops up periodically, which may or may not be linked to the high iron levels. She's seeing someone for that too.

My BF/It's-Complicated is finally selling off the family farm ... I use the term loosely, as it's actually the remains of an old plantation on one of the big Lowcountry rivers. He's getting slightly more than his asking price, which make me acutely aware of my solid middle-class paycheck. He wanted to wait until his mother was gone to sell, as the property was her "baby" and she'd have been horrified to have it sold while she was alive.

He's also starting a new relationship with (of all things) a full-blood Navajo. Funny how things work out, no? I'm the one with the fascination for their culture and history, and he ends up falling for one. I like his new BF, too, and not because he's Native. He has a curious nature and seems to love learning, which are both traits I like to think I have as well. We all got along well when they came for a short visit over the holidays. I think B and A are both scarred from previous relationships, and I'm worried it's going to be difficult for them to make things work, but I hope they can do it. Each of them needs a good, solid love affair in their lives for once.

If anyone wants to glance over my novel-thus-far and see if they can figure out how to make it "grab" an agent, just comment or message me ...

i live in my own little world, all alone in the moonlight, best friends are part of your soul, books broaden your mind, it is what it is, all that is gold does not glitter, like and equal are not the same thing, how can you stop writing?, you can't choose your family

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