Nov 18, 2019 17:50
I seem to be fighting off whatever both techs and the other pharmacist have had ... damn them for passing it along. I'll be popping Zicam tablets all day tomorrow and resting up ... cancelled my physical therapy so I don't spread this around any further.
Wednesday I'm working until 2, then initial fitting for dental implants, then drive to Florence for the funeral. I'm going down a day early in case B needs any help setting up ... or just some moral support before the big day. I need to see about a small flower arrangement as well ... it's going to be a small funeral as all of her generation has already preceded her.
Back home Friday, then I'm celebrating the holiday early with my sister and nephew. I'll be working all week, so Thanksgiving is my only full day off and I'm not going to spend 3 hours of it on the road to her house and back. I've got to work Xmas Day so we'll be celebrating that early as well.
best friends are part of your soul,
i'm attacking the darkness,
he can only find his way by moonlight,
all alone in the moonlight,
get off the road you fecking bastahd,
the fall will probably kill you