Writing Progress

May 21, 2017 16:25

It occurs to me that I have not updated my progress recently.

Book 1 - with my agent, currently on the rounds

Book 2 - with my agent, also on the rounds

Book 3 - finished, currently being polished

This year I also placed 2 short stories with Wolf Creek anthologies (Luck of the Draw Part 2 and Hunter's Moon) and have been invited to be a regular participant in the Wolf Creek stable of authors. It's a shared world and usually 4-5 authors collaborate on one novel. I've done a chapter for the upcoming novel Cast Your Bullet, due out sometime this summer or fall.

I also helped judge the Western Fictioneers' Peacemaker Contest in the short fiction category. Lots of reading but lots of great stories as well. I had a tough time coming up with the top 5.

jes hays, we're all mad here, how can you stop writing?

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