(no subject)

Jul 19, 2012 11:27

Nearly through with Chapter 14 ... interrupted by my partner at work wanting to switch days at the last minute. I agreed -- but I hope this doesn't become a pattern. I'm the sort who likes to plan things out, not change around at the last minute. At least now I won't have to worry about getting home early from J's birthday party tonight!

J's real birthday is next week, but tonight is Game Night (we're old-school geeks -- we play D&D at his house every two weeks). We're going to celebrate tonight since nobody is off on his actual birthday. We've all chipped in to give him cash to fix his old car -- but we're doing it in our usual evil style. We're going to have a pirate-themed party, with a "Little Pirates" cake! We're going to give him a treasure map and say "Go find your present." In his back yard, pipmudturtle and I are going to bury a little treasure chest -- which we have filled with fake gold coins, fake jewels and jewelry -- and around $400 worth of real coins and small bills! J's going to murder us.

Oh, and I bought him clown shoes. Real ones. Because he's always saying he needs to beat people with clown shoes since they're acting like clown shoes.

Back to my writing ... I'd like to finish the chapter before we go bury things.

kye and the kid, best friends are part of your soul, where are the cheetos?, we're all mad here

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