(no subject)

Jan 13, 2012 07:22

I'm off at Oh-God-Hundred to take my car in for a long-awaited tune-up. I've been putting it off due to all the bills from Mum's estate over the past few years. Now that the house is off my shoulders, I'm taking care of lots of things that have been put off!

On the soap opera front, my *insert huge melodramatic sigh* nephew has once more gotten himself into something lunatic. He's still been hanging out with his old drug-using "buddies" even though he's been supposedly trying to stay clean. Well, turns out his "buddies" have a grudge against his new part-time boss because said boss "put" one of their brothers in jail -- said brother stole something from the boss and boss turned him in to the police. *insert another melodramatic sigh*

Well, nephew was invited to drug "buddy's" house and when he drove up, there were four other suspicious looking characters hanging around. Only nephew has no social skills and didn't suspect a thing. So he got the shit beat out of him and had no idea why. Turns out the brother is out of jail and decided nephew was "conspiring" with the boss to put him back in jail, and told his little brother the drug "buddy" to take care of nephew. Now nephew is afraid to go home because they know where he is. No idea if he'll go to the police or not, considering his unsavory past with drugs and arrests.

My family should be on one of those reality shows where they follow crazy people around and wait for the melodrama to happen.

On a more positive note, I've scheduled an eye exam for much-needed new glasses, gotten a new haircut in a totally different style than before (and like it very much actually - I think the old one was getting tired and cliche), and am getting much writing done. I've decided to go back and change the POV from third person to first -- it's reading as much more intimate and exciting thus far.

Must run get to the auto shop on time! I'll post an excerpt once I return.

meat and three veg, get off the road you fecking bastahd, we're all mad here, you can't choose your family

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