Oct 10, 2004 13:04
One more night and my workweek is over!! I know, weird, but then, velyr are weird by nature. My partner and I have decided we like working 7 days at a stretch - then we switch off so we get every other week off *snerk* I am looking forward to the time off so I can post some serious HP fanfic - going through a serious Snape phase right now - also trying hard to qualify for some closed communities by dazzling the moderators with my wit and writing skill *ahem*
Velyr are by nature communal creatures. Being alone is unnatural to them. Humans alarm them for that reason alone - not to mention the human tendency to attack anything different. Velyr have no privacy in their natural environment. Think about everything people do in private that velyr would not consider to even BE private - and no, I'm not talking about the obvious bathroom time!
I need to plan a trip back to Albuquerque too. Love it out there, but sometimes feel as if I'm imposing on my best friend for his sofa as often as I visit. My head is always clearer when I visit tho - I think I must have been Navajo in a past life and driving out to Dinetah reconnects me.
Jump from topic to topic don't we? Velyr are so damn irritating sometimes, I know. But we're cute and fluffy (said in Stitch voice)!
reality interferes with my virtual life,
we spend way too much time here,
velyr - wtf?,
how can you stop writing?