Apr 28, 2006 21:44
I know I don't post about stuff very often. This is due to the fact that I don't think much of my everday business is worth reporting. I spend most of my time off inside my head or in la-la land anyways.
So I was thinking that I might start posting about some things I do spend a lot of time thinking about. AKA: philosophical/religious concerns. The reason for posting this little ditty is because I'd like to make lengthy posts about things I wonder about as a Christian, but I don't want to flood people's friends pages with yammering they don't care to look at. So I've decided I'll make a special friends group and put people on it who respond to this and want to hear my ramblings.
Of course, most of my posting will be about Christian ponderings, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to hear about everyone's perspective. Most of the time these little things will end with bunches of questions, and I'd LOVE it people responded to me. But you don't have to if you don't want to. By the same token, I'd think it awesome if my non-christian peeps (like Rachel) asked to be in this SUPER SPECIAL GROUP and give me their opinions.
Also, if you know anybody who would be interested or have something good to say to me, let me know their name and I'll let them read it too if you'll vouch for them (I trust all my friendsies).
So yeah.. just puttin' it out there. If you don't like it, you can send it right back...
Tee hee ^_^