So here's the meme:
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions (not the same questions that I was asked and not the same questions for everyone. And my questions may well be lame)
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
Anyway here are the questions
kdbleu asked me. (Thanks again for my first meme kdleu! It was fun but was also harder than expected to narrow down my choices)
1. What did you want to be when you grew-up? How close did you come to that dream?
I wanted to be a mystery solving archeologist a la indiana jones OR a crime solving journalist. Needless to say, I ended up waay way far away from either.
2. What's you favorite travel destination? Why?
Rio de Janiero! Because it is so incredibly alive.
The city itself is beautiful, but even with all its beauty there is still a little bit of an edge that I appreciate. I love how Rio is so mixed race that anyone you meet, with any coloring could be Brazilian. I love the zest for life in both the young - which is to be expected - but even more so, the old. Like the 80 year old lady dancing samba or the middle aged couple following drummers in the middle of the street in pouring rain. I like how women are so amazingly unselfconscious in their bodies. I love how going to the beach is serious business. How eating and drinking along the water even more so.
3. What's your favorite Movie, Book, Song?
Wow picking one is hard! Let's see... If I had to pick one song it would be Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley ( For its intensity, passion and delicate beauty. I swear at some point I wanted to marry Jeff Buckley. I don't even know how many times I listened to his first album, Grace. It is sublime even after all those years.
4. What Disney Princess are you? Why?
I have to confess I had to take a test on to answer this :-P I did have Barbies and there must have been a time I was into Disney Princesses but I really cant remember any of it. Almost from the moment I started reading I got hooked on the kid detectives of Enid Blyton and all else was forgotten. I remember liking Wonder woman though. Something about girl power no doubt :) But I digress... I did take the test. Twice. And here is what Disney says. Drum roll... "You are Ariel. Because you are adventurous, romantic and just a bit headstrong". Hah haa, I guess it works :)
5. How would you spend a free $100?
I should probably say that I would add the $100 to my savings for my next trip across the world but realistically, I would spend it on a nice meal with my hubby.