have you ever reached a rainbow's end, and did you find your pot of gold?

Jul 23, 2004 11:25

went to the blue frog last night and it was a lot of fun! got to see Bri.....and i got lots of hugs too, I felt so special :-) Yeah so anyway, I was sitting at a table with Mo, her boyfriend, Emmie, Casey from homer, Brittany, Courtney, Rose, Reid, and a couple of other people and apparently Joe Searles, who might I add I dont even know personally, was like "oh look its jack's douchebag group" yeah just because he's in a fight with jack he's mad at us too...right. So i said to Morgan that's weird, I dont think he even knows me and she's like well he's mad at you all. and i'm like well who's "us all" and why? and she said he doesnt like me, courtney, brittany, rose, reid, and all the other "new" people to the blue frog because its turning into too much of a "preppy thing". yeah like the blue frog belonged to him and his friends in the first place right? thats why its called OPEN mic night and not JOE's mic night. you know that letter the owner read that she got from one of her older customers complaining about the gothic and punk dress and how it disturbs the customers? yeah and that was ridiculous right? well how is that any fucking different from your comment about "preppies not being allowed". god you're fucking retarded. and not only that, but you hurt my good friend emmie. you totally dragged her heart through the mud and nobody does that to emmie without going through me first bitch. so fuck you.

wow that felt great :-) anyways...got a double header tonight...woot? not sure if that's a good thing, I guess we'll find out when the game starts :-P then tomorrow night I'm getting up early ONCE AGAIN except this time to go with megan to the Holiday in Homer thingy for the day then I'm staying overnight at my grandma's. which isn't bad, she spoils me :-D well that's all for now...

<3 holla atcha guuurrrl *felt like being ghetto :-D*
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