Oct 08, 2004 13:09
guess what!! I take my road test on thursday :-D its also my wonderful (cough) cousin sean's birthday sooo if I happen to fail for some god known reason, I can just blame it on him :-D yes people thats the way my mind works, crazy I know.
yeah so I just got back from Brittany's.....she had a sleepover since her birthday is on Saturday.....there were like 8 of us there and we decided to watch The Haunting and I fell alseep on the couch and slept right through until 8:30 the next morning, and I found out that everyone was trying to wake me up..brittany stuck pizza in my face to see if i smelled it, nope didnt work, so then she TOOK ANOTHER FREAKIN PICTURE OF ME SLEEPING! damn it brittany if I found out u showed that picture to ANYONE...and dont even THINK about submitting it to the yearbook.......I will kick your butt, but anyways even with the flash I still didnt wake up lol, then courtney and I woke up around 8:30 and we were the only ones up until 10:00....I so could have gotten my revenge on Brittany if I had known what she did to me and where the camera was..
anyways i dunno what im doing tonight, I wanna get my mom to take me to ithaca, but if not then I think im gonna go to the movies...
freaking 4 day weekend man! yes i'm so happy....except I have to study for the f*ing PSAT's next weekend :-( that deff puts a damper on my weekend
well I'm out, leave a comment