Jan 22, 2007 11:17
...but probably only to me. Sorry, for those who actually try to read this.
Tanya and Tara (waking life: sisters - old friends from grade-school; haven't been in touch with them for 20 years) come to visit for Christmas. Visit seems over before it started. I make sure that I get their contact info before they go. Tara gives me a thick handful of little rainbow-colored pieces of paper with short sentences written on them to commemorate the time she did that once when little (not really). I decide to cut hearts from some of them and make a garland of them to give her, with orange string since there's no orange included in the colors.
Go to a show with all of Dan's friends - I think I've dreamt of the theatre before. Long entry leading to stadium seating. I find us a big couch-like thing angled perpendicular to the stage - awkward but best we could find. Eventually our area turns into a little hut and comedians come in, one after the other, like dim sum comedy or something. Some are creepy and weird, in puppet-like costumes, and they chase us. Others do stand-up.
Second time I've dreamt of hanging paper hearts.
Waking: busy week. Teaching an elementary after-school class to make puppets, hostessing for new 30s supper club. The primping is time-consuming but I like the look so I'm keeping it. May also be a fit model for some kind of swimsuit designer.